scottlamb / moonfire-nvr

Moonfire NVR, a security camera network video recorder
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despam logs on camera failures #158

Open scottlamb opened 2 years ago

scottlamb commented 2 years ago

When Moonfire NVR repeatedly has trouble connecting to a camera, the logs can get very spammy. (Example: #144) Currently it only waits 1 second between tries, and in some cases the tries can be very short. It logs at least a couple lines per try; many lines with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 as in the recommended configuration. They're annoying to look through. If you don't have log file rotation set up properly, you can even quickly run out of root filesystem space, and then things get worse as database writes start to fail.

I'd like to improve this but haven't decided how. Some ideas:

@jlpoolen might have opinions.

jlpoolen commented 2 years ago

My philosophy on logs is that the more, the better. What is needed is a filter or something that extracts when may be important at hand. I think have statistics on failure is extremely helpful and could help in intelligently (human, not artificial!) determining parameters such as timeouts.

Manipulation and extraction is what the wise old programming language Perl excels at. I do not have a public facing server at this time, but have as a task to do so. I could try to make that a task for the upcoming weekend with holiday and it could be something where a large log is submitted and then parsed to extract what is desired and/or provide statistics. Of course, there are privacy issues.

Yes, a goal I have in mind is determining what the time-out for the Live555 server running in a Reolink camera is. Of course the easiest way is to formally ask Reolink. Scott had indicated he had made some inquiries, possibly related to something else about their Live555 server still not meeting standards.

If I had a better understanding of what is relevant in the log, I could craft a Perl script add it to my fork and then it could be run wherever against whatever. (I confess, pushing a single file, but not others, back to my fork in GitHub has gated me... hmmm... can I alternatively use Subversion??)

scottlamb commented 2 years ago

Yes, a goal I have in mind is determining what the time-out for the Live555 server running in a Reolink camera is.

That part's easy. It's 65 seconds. They tell us in the SETUP response.

Last I heard from Reolink: "According to our senior engineer, the verison of our RTSP indeed has not been updated. And he will analyze your log in detail, whick take some times. We will update you as soon as possible."

jlpoolen commented 2 years ago

re: 65 seconds That's a lifetime when catching someone purloining something. I'm repeating myself, but a 27 second video documented a Felony II theft where a car pulled up, a guy hopped out and grabbed a Stihl brand concrete saw from my contractor's truck and hopped back in the vehicle for a quick getaway. I saw another posting where someone's gardening tools worth several thousands of dollars were taken in or around 1 minute -- and that included actually breaking a door to a closed-up trailer. While it may be simple accept a 65 second pause in recording and that could be a short term works-for-me, it would be more desirable to try and salvage what comes across the wire and save it. You can go for days with nothing, and suddenly that 1 minute time span is everything. That's what makes this project so much more desirable than the software what comes with Reolink's cameras and its hit-or-miss activity feature.

scottlamb commented 2 years ago

Yeah, that level of delay is undesirable for sure. But we can discuss that more at; I'd like to keep this issue for the backoff.