scottlamb / moonfire-nvr

Moonfire NVR, a security camera network video recorder
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bookmarkable URLs for UI state #202

Open scottlamb opened 2 years ago

scottlamb commented 2 years ago

@krystaDev in #193 started adding bookmarkable URLs for UI state: you can bookmark a live view URL that specifies the layout and cameras. In 782eb2f I extended it so that some of the list view options are bookmarkable.

Three things I'd like to fix/add before calling this feature done:

  1. [ ] bug: if you select cameras then switch the layout, the cameras get lost from the URL when it's set here. And the state is remembered in the UI despite not being in the URL anymore which feels weird. Maybe we should be recalculating state from the search params each render so there's no possibility they can get out of sync. I'm trying that for the list view here and it seems to work.
  2. [x] bug: in debug builds, on initial page load (or when not logged in or when there are no cameras), the Javascript console logs No routes matched location "/". I think the problem is simple: the Routes element is in the document here but empty.
  3. [ ] missing: in list view, the time range isn't included in the URL, which is a big gap. The problem here is that TimerangeSelector is...intricate. It keeps a bunch of state together in one property that is mutated with this reducer. Some of it goes into the URL (the current selected date(s) and times, the single/multi day selection toggle). Some of it shouldn't (the clickable days, which is derived from state returned from the server). I'm not sure how best to structure the code.
    • Maybe it's time to explore things like redux anyway as we take on more state in the future. I see a stackoverflow question talking about how to use redux with url parameters (but sadly there doesn't seem to be one built-in right way to do it).
    • Or maybe the search parameters should be synced into this state via effect as it's doing now for the allowed days on the given cameras.
    • ...other ideas...?

I wonder if 1 and 2 are symptoms of a pre-existing bad code structure in App.tsx. Part of Live's state, the selected layout, is in App.tsx so that it can be selected in the top menu and used in the main pane. It already smelled a little funny to have part of the activity's implementation in App.tsx. And now with routes this means App.tsx kind of does the routing twice (here and here), which will get worse as we add more activities. I think I can restructure it so that we have a MoonfireFrame component with the overall layout (passing in activityMenuPart and mainComponent). Once logged in, we render a <Routes> to choose the activity with less activity-specific structure in App.tsx. And then each activity can use the frame component and be fully responsible for its own state and menu piece.