scottlamb / moonfire-nvr

Moonfire NVR, a security camera network video recorder
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Exiting due to error: unable to read /etc/moonfire-nvr.toml caused by: unknown field `allowUnauthenticatedPermissions` for key `binds` at line 5 column 1 #285

Closed andreflosi closed 8 months ago

andreflosi commented 12 months ago

Describe the bug After the installation following the at "", even after add a ip camera and use the test button, I cannot start the moonfire-nvr, checking the result of the command "nvr logs" commands, it show the below:

E20230708 12:45:11.130 main moonfire_nvr] Exiting due to error: unable to read /etc/moonfire-nvr.toml caused by: unknown field allowUnauthenticatedPermissions for key binds at line 5 column 1

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. start the moonfire-nvr using the nvr start command;

  2. checking the result of the command : sudo docker ps -a: CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 84678d654004 scottlamb/moonfire-nvr:v0.7.5 "/usr/local/bin/moon…" 7 seconds ago Restarting (1) Less than a second ago moonfire-nvr It showed in the status column restarting.

  3. checking the result of the command nvr logs: E20230708 12:44:42.783 main moonfire_nvr] Exiting due to error: unable to read /etc/moonfire-nvr.toml caused by: unknown field allowUnauthenticatedPermissions for key binds at line 5 column 1

Backtrace: 0: failure::backtrace::internal::InternalBacktrace::new at .cargo/registry/src/ 1: failure::backtrace::Backtrace::new at .cargo/registry/src/

::default at .cargo/registry/src/ 2: >::from at .cargo/registry/src/ >::from at .cargo/registry/src/ 3: as core::ops::try_trait::FromResidual>>::from_residual at /rustc/7737e0b5c4103216d6fd8cf941b7ab9bdbaace7c/library/core/src/ moonfire_nvr::cmds::run::read_config at src/server/src/cmds/run/ moonfire_nvr::cmds::run::run at src/server/src/cmds/run/ 4: moonfire_nvr::Args::run at src/server/src/ moonfire_nvr::main at src/server/src/ 5: core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once at /rustc/7737e0b5c4103216d6fd8cf941b7ab9bdbaace7c/library/core/src/ops/ std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace at /rustc/7737e0b5c4103216d6fd8cf941b7ab9bdbaace7c/library/std/src/sys_common/ 6: std::rt::lang_start::{{closure}} at /rustc/7737e0b5c4103216d6fd8cf941b7ab9bdbaace7c/library/std/src/ 7: core::ops::function::impls:: for &F>::call_once at /rustc/7737e0b5c4103216d6fd8cf941b7ab9bdbaace7c/library/core/src/ops/ std::panicking::try::do_call at /rustc/7737e0b5c4103216d6fd8cf941b7ab9bdbaace7c/library/std/src/ std::panicking::try at /rustc/7737e0b5c4103216d6fd8cf941b7ab9bdbaace7c/library/std/src/ std::panic::catch_unwind at /rustc/7737e0b5c4103216d6fd8cf941b7ab9bdbaace7c/library/std/src/ std::rt::lang_start_internal::{{closure}} at /rustc/7737e0b5c4103216d6fd8cf941b7ab9bdbaace7c/library/std/src/ std::panicking::try::do_call at /rustc/7737e0b5c4103216d6fd8cf941b7ab9bdbaace7c/library/std/src/ std::panicking::try at /rustc/7737e0b5c4103216d6fd8cf941b7ab9bdbaace7c/library/std/src/ std::panic::catch_unwind at /rustc/7737e0b5c4103216d6fd8cf941b7ab9bdbaace7c/library/std/src/ std::rt::lang_start_internal at /rustc/7737e0b5c4103216d6fd8cf941b7ab9bdbaace7c/library/std/src/ 8: main 9: __libc_start_main 10: **Expected behavior** I expected to open the webpage on the http://localhost:8080 **Screenshots** If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. **Server (please complete the following information):** - If using Docker: `docker ps` + `docker images` pi@raspberrypi:~/moonfire-nvr $ sudo docker ps --no-trunc CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES dc9b1812888f7d42134602da62af720039de6bd25f6ded7a01d0b2f0df408f09 scottlamb/moonfire-nvr:v0.7.5 "/usr/local/bin/moonfire-nvr run" 8 minutes ago Restarting (1) 22 seconds ago moonfire-nvr - If building from git: `git describe --dirty` + `moonfire-nvr --version` - Attach a [log file]( Run with the `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable set if possible. **Camera (please complete the following information):** - Camera manufacturer and model: Hikvision DS-2CD1023G0E - Firmware version: V5.7.12 build 220819 **Desktop (please complete the following information):** - OS: raspbian **Additional context** pi@raspberrypi:~/moonfire-nvr $ sudo cat /usr/local/bin/nvr #!/bin/bash -e # Set your timezone here. tz="America/Sao_Paulo" image_name="scottlamb/moonfire-nvr:v0.7.5" container_name="moonfire-nvr" common_docker_run_args=( --mount=type=bind,source=/var/lib/moonfire-nvr,destination=/var/lib/moonfire-nvr --mount=type=bind,source=/etc/moonfire-nvr.toml,destination=/etc/moonfire-nvr.toml # Add additional mount lines here for each sample file directory # outside of /var/lib/moonfire-nvr, e.g.: # --mount=type=bind,source=/media/nvr/sample,destination=/media/nvr/sample --user="$(id -u moonfire-nvr):$(id -g moonfire-nvr)" # This avoids errors with broken seccomp on older 32-bit hosts. # --security-opt=seccomp:unconfined # This is the simplest way of configuring networking, although # you can use e.g. --publish=8080:8080 in the run) case below if you # prefer. --network=host # docker's default log driver won't rotate logs properly, and will throw # away logs when you destroy and recreate the container. Using journald # solves these problems. # --log-driver=journald --log-opt="tag=moonfire-nvr" --env=RUST_BACKTRACE=1 --env=TZ=":${tz}" ) case "$1" in run) shift exec docker run \ --detach=true \ --restart=unless-stopped \ "${common_docker_run_args[@]}" \ --name="${container_name}" \ "${image_name}" \ run \ "$@" ;; start|stop|logs|rm) exec docker "$@" "${container_name}" ;; pull) exec docker pull "${image_name}" ;; *) exec docker run \ --interactive=true \ --tty \ --rm \ "${common_docker_run_args[@]}" \ "${image_name}" \ "$@" ;; esac
andreflosi commented 12 months ago

the content of /etc/moonfire-nvr.toml

pi@raspberrypi:~/moonfire-nvr $ cat /etc/moonfire-nvr.toml [[binds]] ipv4 = "" allowUnauthenticatedPermissions = { viewVideo = true }

[[binds]] unix = "/var/lib/moonfire-nvr/sock" ownUidIsPrivileged = true

IronOxidizer commented 12 months ago

Removing the lines



ownUidIsPrivileged = true

fixed the issues for me, however, I now have a new issue where attempting live view from outside my local network results in the following browser error: "may not load data from blob", not sure if it's related.

ldfsilva commented 12 months ago

The initial error you got is because of discrepant moonfire-nvr.toml configuration between version v0.7.5 and v0.7.6.

Notice that camelCase was introduced for use in version v0.7.6, and that's a breaking change in comparison to previous versions (ie v0.7.5 and previous), check out v0.7.6 release notes for details.

I'd suggest you re-do your moonfire-nvr.toml with camelCase and set your image_name in nvr script to v0.7.6 (ie: image_name="scottlamb/moonfire-nvr:v0.7.6"). Try that out and see if it'll then work as expected.

scottlamb commented 12 months ago

however, I now have a new issue where attempting live view from outside my local network results in the following browser error: "may not load data from blob", not sure if it's related.

I'm looking at that error in #277 . You didn't see that in v0.7.5 and do in v0.7.6? That's an interesting data point.

andreflosi commented 12 months ago

The initial error you got is because of discrepant moonfire-nvr.toml configuration between version v0.7.5 and v0.7.6.

Notice that camelCase was introduced for use in version v0.7.6, and that's a breaking change in comparison to previous versions (ie v0.7.5 and previous), check out v0.7.6 release notes for details.

I'd suggest you re-do your moonfire-nvr.toml with camelCase and set your image_name in nvr script to v0.7.6 (ie: image_name="scottlamb/moonfire-nvr:v0.7.6"). Try that out and see if it'll then work as expected.

Hi, I did the suggested procedure, but it not worked.

 sudo head /usr/local/bin/nvr
#!/bin/bash -e

# Set your timezone here.

cat /etc/moonfire-nvr.toml
ipv4 = ""
allowUnauthenticatedPermissions = { viewVideo = true }

unix = "/var/lib/moonfire-nvr/sock"
docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                           COMMAND                  CREATED       STATUS                                  PORTS     NAMES
dc9b1812888f   scottlamb/moonfire-nvr:v0.7.5   "/usr/local/bin/moon…"   2 days ago    Restarting (1) Less than a second ago             moonfire-nvr

the procedure told by the [IronOxidizer], worked. At least the webserver ran and I could log in. Will test the liveview.

ldfsilva commented 12 months ago

Your docker ps -a output indicates that your docker image is v0.7.5, it should be v0.7.6 for the camel case arguments to work. You will need to either remove or rename your existing docker image.

Here's what I used to upgrade from v0.7.5 to v0.7.6: