scottmckendry / cyberdream.nvim

🤖💤 High-contrast, Futuristic & Vibrant Coloursheme for Neovim
MIT License
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Installation Instructions #30

Closed sandeshkatakam closed 5 months ago

sandeshkatakam commented 5 months ago

I am currently using kickstart.nvim and a beginner to the neovim world and I am fascinated with this config. Can you help me out on how to install this? I have been trying to use the instructions you provided in my init.lua but that doesn't seem to work. It will be really great if you can provide additional directions for installation in the or comment on this issue.

Thank you

scottmckendry commented 5 months ago

Welcome to the rabbit hole my friend!

If you're running stock-standard kickstart.nvim, you'll want to replace these lines with the following:

    lazy = false,
    priority = 1000,
    config = function()
            -- Recommended - see "Configuring" below for more config options
            transparent = true,
            italic_comments = true,
            hide_fillchars = true,
            borderless_telescope = true,
            terminal_colors = true,
        vim.cmd("colorscheme cyberdream") -- set the colorscheme

And it should work. However, if it's still not working and/or you're config differs wildly from kickstart, please create a gist with your full config and share it here. I will be happy to help debug 🙂

sandeshkatakam commented 5 months ago

Hey, Thanks for response. I have edited the following lines from my standard kickstart-nvim init.lua. However the colorscheme remains some grey rather than the one mentioned in the . Should I have to download some files or is it some problem with my terminal window ?

scottmckendry commented 5 months ago

Hmmm... can you share the full file so I can take a look?

Do any other plugins load when you start neovim?

sandeshkatakam commented 5 months ago

I uploaded my .config/nvim files to this github repo: Can you check from here?

scottmckendry commented 5 months ago

I've cloned your fork and it worked perfectly first try. Can I suggest you try the following in the terminal:

rm -rf "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}"/nvim # remove current config (if it's there)
git clone "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}"/nvim # clone your fork into the .config/nvim directory

See if that makes any difference. If not, I will probably need more specific examples of what you're expecting to see vs. what you're seeing. Screenshots would be best.

sandeshkatakam commented 5 months ago

Hey, I followed these instructions. It started working. Something clashing with my previous config I guess was the issue before. Thanks for the help. Really appreciate it. Also one last doubt, where should I put the configuration code that you mentioned in the In a separate file?

I was trying to recreate the same magenta look with transparent background and mine was a bit translucent with a dark background

scottmckendry commented 5 months ago

To get transparency to work in neovim, your terminal must already be transparent. I suggest you look up whatever terminal you're using to see if:

  1. It supports transparency
  2. How to configure it to your liking.