scottrice / Ice

Application to automatically add ROMs to Steam
MIT License
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no such file path src/ #326

Closed andrewowen closed 8 years ago

andrewowen commented 8 years ago

In the Set Up instructions it says to run Ice, you just need to run the command

python src/

I simply get

C:\Users\Andrew\Desktop\Ice (master)
λ python src/
python: can't open file 'src/': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

but this doesn't exist. I'm a little new to programming so any pointers on what I'm missing would be great.

futurepr0n commented 8 years ago

Hey - I had the same issue before, it looks like the new instruction should be to open CMD to your ICE directory, and run "python ice"

C:\Users\Andrew\Desktop\Ice (master)
λ python ice


λ python ice/

It should treat the ice/ directory as a python file and begin running the ICE scripts.. I have an issue though thats one above yours right now, where something is crapping out on me in my Ubuntu set up.

Let me know if you get further now!

andrewowen commented 8 years ago

Hey thanks for your help! that definitely clears things up. I got further but I look to be having the same issue as you, though on windows 10 and not ubuntu.

C:\Users\Andrew\Desktop\Ice (master)
λ python ice
=========== Starting Ice ===========
Detected Emulator: SNES9X
Detected Console: Super Nintendo => SNES9X
=========== User: 67072185 ===========
[ERROR] An exception occurred while running Ice
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "ice\runners\", line 154, in run
  File "ice\runners\", line 134, in main
    self.run_for_user(user_context, dry_run=dry_run)
  File "ice\runners\", line 146, in run_for_user
    self._create_backup(user, dry_run=dry_run)
  File "ice\runners\", line 164, in _create_backup
    shortcuts.write_shortcuts(backup_path, shortcuts.get_shortcuts(user))
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\pysteam-1.0.0b1-py2.7.egg\pysteam\", line 38, in get_shortcuts
    return read_shortcuts(paths.shortcuts_path(user_context))
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\pysteam-1.0.0b1-py2.7.egg\pysteam\", line 27, in read_shortcuts
    return ShortcutParser().parse(path)
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\pysteam-1.0.0b1-py2.7.egg\pysteam\", line 19, in parse

    raise IOError("Shortcuts file '%s' does not exist" % path)
IOError: Shortcuts file 'c:/program files (x86)/steam\userdata\67072185\config\shortcuts.vdf' does not exist

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I wonder what is going on?

futurepr0n commented 8 years ago

Now we hang tight!

Andre-Oliveira commented 8 years ago

On Linux i went around that error by creating the file using the "toutch" command if Windows doesn't have something like this you can try to create an empty .txt file and change the extension.

scottrice commented 8 years ago

Hey everyone,

You're right that I removed src/ in order to rearrange my code structure. The new way of running it (as @futurepr0n alluded to) is python -m ice. I commited f415c277f4bff03cec1dfa21eb9af0e85b39ca1f to fix the issue.

For @andrewowen, thats actually an issue with pysteam that I fixed for my work locally but which I hadn't pushed to Github. I just pushed 6878314668b23e1b21eaf6ef21a24d51107ed100 to fix that though, so if you run python install again then you should be able to run Ice as normal.

Thanks for your patience everyone.

andrewowen commented 8 years ago

Thanks for your reply and fixes @scottrice . Will give it a shot tonight


futurepr0n commented 8 years ago

@scottrice Can we re-open this issue? I tried to go through the process again, but am stl getting the same issue with the backups directory. Which is odd considering I tried taking that section out completely from the config.txt

futurepr0n@futureMedia:~/Ice$ sudo python -m ice /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ UserWarning: /home/futurepr0n/.python-eggs is writable by group/others and vulnerable to attack when used with get_resource_filename. Consider a more secure location (set with .set_extraction_path or the PYTHON_EGG_CACHE environment variable). warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning) =========== Starting Ice =========== Detected Emulator: Dolphin Detected Emulator: PCSX2 Detected Console: Nintendo Gamecube => Dolphin Detected Console: Playstation 2 => PCSX2 =========== User: 2267067 =========== [ERROR] An exception occurred while running Ice Traceback (most recent call last): File "ice/runners/", line 154, in run self.main(dry_run=dry_run) File "ice/runners/", line 134, in main self.run_for_user(user_context, dry_run=dry_run) File "ice/runners/", line 146, in run_for_user self._create_backup(user, dry_run=dry_run) File "ice/runners/", line 164, in _create_backup shortcuts.write_shortcuts(backup_path, shortcuts.get_shortcuts(user)) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pysteam-1.0.0_beta1-py2.7.egg/pysteam/", line 31, in write_shortcuts with open(path, "w") as f: IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/futurepr0n/.config/ice/Backups/2267067/config/shortcuts.20160125174051.vdf'

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