scottrice / Ice

Application to automatically add ROMs to Steam
MIT License
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Windows Defender identifying a Trojan Horse in the download. #329

Closed jawshey closed 8 years ago

jawshey commented 8 years ago is prevented from being downloaded by Windows Defender as it is picking up that there is Spursint.A infecting the file.

scottrice commented 8 years ago

I've heard this in the past, and I think its due to how I built the original Ice executable. Its written in python (which doesnt compile to an exe natively) so I believe the way that pyinstaller packaged it it would extract the Ice code into a random directory and run it there. Unsurprisingly, thats super suspicious behavior and a lot of antivirus programs flag it.

I'm planning to use a different build system for the next version of Ice I put out which will hopefully not have this problem. I'm going to close this issue for now (since I think its a duplicate of another issue anyway), but I appreciate you reporting it.