scottrice / Ice

Application to automatically add ROMs to Steam
MIT License
834 stars 96 forks source link

Setting up Ice on Mac? #333

Open snipes040 opened 8 years ago

snipes040 commented 8 years ago

Noob here, is there something that I am missing in terms of setting up Ice on MAC? Any help would be awesome!

scottrice commented 8 years ago

What exactly are you having trouble with? I do all of my development on a Mac, so it should work without much issue.

CyricPL commented 8 years ago

Hi Scott - I came across this looking for the same guidance, and I am not sure if this was ever resolved for Snipes040. The issue is that I really don't know how to get Ice working in Mac OS X at all. I see the EXE file in the main download, but should I use a Wine container to run that? Or am I supposed to get the source files that then do stuff with Python and the Terminal - and if that is the case, I literally have no idea what I am doing and there is no tutorial to show me how. I was able to get Ice working on a Bootcamp partition so that I could run ROMs through Steam Link, because the Windows install is easy, but that still makes me reboot my computer just to get at it. I really want to get it working under OS X, and I think a clear step-by-step guide on the main site would be really helpful.

Slip7000 commented 7 years ago

Hi, I also really like to have a small guide to get myself going on the mac! I am stuck on the pysteam section, installed PIP and Python. A step-by-step guide will be nice.

my error log:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/##USERNAME##/Emulators/Ice/ice/", line 7, in from cli import CommandLineRunner File "ice/cli/", line 2, in from runner import CommandLineRunner File "ice/cli/", line 10, in from pysteam.steam import get_steam, Steam ImportError: No module named pysteam.steam
