scottrice / Ice

Application to automatically add ROMs to Steam
MIT License
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Ice cannot find Steam installation on Linux (Manjaro) #335

Open yerbestpal opened 8 years ago

yerbestpal commented 8 years ago

It simply refuses to acknowledge it's there. I've tried pointing to: /home/ross/.steam/steam/userdata/ & /home/ross/.local/share/Steam/userdata/ within, but it just gives me "[sudo] password for ross: [ERROR] Cannot run Ice because Steam doesn't appear to be installed

Close the window, or hit enter to exit..."

I've no idea how to get by this.

scottrice commented 8 years ago

That error happens when pysteam's get_steam function returns None. If you're hard coding a Steam path then that shouldn't happen. Can you explain more about what you tried, and where your Steam userdata location actually exists?

yerbestpal commented 8 years ago

Well basically I've set:

Userdata Directory=~/.local/share/Steam/userdata/

in the Steam section, in config.txt

I do, however, seem to have another Steam directory which is /home/ross/.steam/steam/userdata/, although I'm pretty sure the steam folder within .steam just symlinks to the one in .local. I'm not sure how to confirm that though.

zachjord commented 7 years ago

I'm having this exact same issue on Arch.