scottrice / Ice

Application to automatically add ROMs to Steam
MIT License
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Custom 'images directory' is not functioning #352

Open kgudgeirsson opened 8 years ago

kgudgeirsson commented 8 years ago

I have places all custom images with the exact name of the rom in a custom image directory which is specified in the consoles.txt file. None of these images are used.

scottrice commented 8 years ago

Will look into this, thanks for reporting.

scottrice commented 8 years ago

Oh, are you using the .exe or are you running via the source code? The last .exe I built doesnt have the custom images directory support

kgudgeirsson commented 8 years ago

Oh I was running from exe. I'll try from source.

On Jan 23, 2016, at 4:11 PM, Scott Rice wrote:

Oh, are you using the .exe or are you running via the source code? The last .exe I built doesnt have the custom images directory support

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

kgudgeirsson commented 8 years ago

Ran from source but still do not see any grid images getting set in steam (custom or otherwise). Console output shows "Found grid image for " but not image is set.

scottrice commented 8 years ago

Ok would you do me a favor and download the latest source (even if you downloaded recently, I added some debug tools in the last couple hours) and running again? That should give me some current logs. Then run the command python -m ice pdebug (pdebug standing for print debug) which should give you a pastebin link of said logs. Would you post that link here?

kgudgeirsson commented 8 years ago

kgudgeirsson commented 8 years ago

I see that the images are in the correct grid directory, but the default icon shows for all games added.

kgudgeirsson commented 8 years ago

Ran this again and it seems to be working. Only issue now is custom images seem to be ignored.

scottrice commented 8 years ago

Looking at your logs it seems like Ice is skipping setting images for these games because they already have them. Does that match your experience?

omittchi commented 8 years ago

I'm having this problem too with the exe BUT only with ps1. All my other image directories are working? I can't get the source to work no matter what I do, and the only problem I have with the exe is this ;_;