scottrice / Ice

Application to automatically add ROMs to Steam
MIT License
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ice is not detecting PPSSPP roms plz help #398

Open undercovernerd93 opened 8 years ago

undercovernerd93 commented 8 years ago

ice is new to me i only just found out about it today i love the idea of it, but i been seaching this problem four hours know and can't find any thing on my issues plz help What i get when i run ice is

=========================Starting Ice Detected Emulator: PPSSPP ---------------Running for user 356779762 ---Downloading grid images =========================Finished

Close the window, or hit enter to exit...

It's seem it can't detect my roms folder i set every setp up setp by setp but i'm confessed on how the program know how to find the roms folder also i try a different Emulator and got the same problem here what i get when i run ice

=========================Starting Ice Detected Emulator: PPSSPP Detected Emulator: Snes9x ---------------Running for user 356779762 ---Downloading grid images =========================Finished

i'm so confessed and it probably something i miss can some one plz help?

jhorning commented 7 years ago

In consoles.txt, remove the dots(.) on the extensions line

undercovernerd93 commented 7 years ago

so i remove the dots but i still get the same problem can you plz help again. Thank you so much for replaying i joing a few froms for ice and got igron on them so thank you it means alot to me.


jhorning commented 7 years ago

In consoles.txt, you have the emulator entered as PPSSP but in PPSSPP (3 Ps vs 4 Ps) .

jhorning commented 7 years ago

Also, you will want to remove the [] from the filenames so it is just the name of the game or it won't find a match.

undercovernerd93 commented 7 years ago

ok we also most got it. It's see the consoles know and emulators but not the roms i did what you siad and took out the [] not sure why it still dosn't see the roms, thank you for all your help again. here a up dated screen shot

undercovernerd93 commented 7 years ago

I thought it was the names on the file so i rename Brunout Dominator (USA).iso to just Brunout Dominator.iso and ran ice but it didn't see the game not sure what the problem is.

jhorning commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure if this is the issue or not but in consoles.txt you have extensions spelled wrong.

undercovernerd93 commented 7 years ago

I GOT IT never mind i figure out the problem and it see the roms now thank you so much you are the BEST!!! and what do you mean whats spelled wrong

undercovernerd93 commented 7 years ago

yea ice make it's own folder for you to put the roms in after clicking on the exe. for the frist time thank you for all your help but what is spelled wrong anyway i like to know because i don't see it?

jhorning commented 7 years ago

You have it as extenions, missing the first s (extenSions).

Using the roms directory option in consoles.txt should allow you to have ICE look in any directory.

undercovernerd93 commented 7 years ago

oh lol my bad thank you again man it means alot.

Bboy486 commented 7 years ago

@jhorning can you please explain what you mean by the roms directory option in consoles.txt should allow you to have ICE look in any directory.?

@undercovernerd93 what did you do to get it to work. I have the same set-up and it will not detect the emulator.