scottrice / Ice

Application to automatically add ROMs to Steam
MIT License
833 stars 95 forks source link

Version #431

Open Sammole86 opened 7 years ago

Sammole86 commented 7 years ago

I downloaded from main website and says version is from 2013. Is their a newer version available?

Also having major issues with scraping. Hyperspin. Retroarch. Emulationstation can find Metadata no worries. This failed every file.

ultimusrex commented 7 years ago

To find images, you need to name your ROMs exactly as they are named on If you want to use another graphics repository, you need to specify that resource in the config.txt file. However, I have no idea where or even how to point it to a different location (sytax- or URL-wise).

As for the version, I don't recall what year my version that I recently downloaded was from, but I found it on the main website, so I assume it's the same. As far as I know, it's the latest. I think the developer is MIA, honestly.