scottsweb / wp-instagram-widget

❌ A WordPress widget for showing your latest Instagram photos.
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Return of - Instagram has returned invalid data. #118

Closed chado99 closed 4 years ago

chado99 commented 5 years ago

Hello, In the last few weeks I've noticed this occurring on the site I manage "Instagram has returned invalid data." It is using the Foodie Pro wordpress theme which relies on this plugin. Ive been using version 2.0.3 and just deleted and redownloaded and installed. Still issues. I've also tried using a different (public) instagram handle, still has issues. I am using the @ (not hashtag).

amc2002 commented 5 years ago

I am seeing the same issue. It looks like the proxy method was short lived. I think it might be time to call it a day.

Thanks for keeping this awesome plugin going as long as you did. Cheers.

HarmonieJ commented 5 years ago

I'm having this same issue and have done the manual update and added the code and it's still not working. Is there anything else I can do to fix this? I'm using the Zobo theme if that makes any difference

amc2002 commented 5 years ago

I'm having this same issue and have done the manual update and added the code and it's still not working. Is there anything else I can do to fix this? I'm using the Zobo theme if that makes any difference

See posts above - FB/Instagram has basically choked off all access and it looks like the dev, although trying to keep this plugin going for years on his own time, fighting FB/Instagram all the way, has finally run out of options to keep it going and said it's probably time to call it a day. The plugin has also been removed from the repository. I'd probably move on to other options if you can.

chado99 commented 5 years ago

Anyone here have recommendations for replacement plugins with similar functionality (but are working)?

HarmonieJ commented 5 years ago

I'm having this same issue and have done the manual update and added the code and it's still not working. Is there anything else I can do to fix this? I'm using the Zobo theme if that makes any difference

See posts above - FB/Instagram has basically choked off all access and it looks like the dev, although trying to keep this plugin going for years on his own time, fighting FB/Instagram all the way, has finally run out of options to keep it going and said it's probably time to call it a day. The plugin has also been removed from the repository. I'd probably move on to other options if you can.

Thanks. It's a shame cause I liked this plugin. Very easy to use!

@chado99 yeah I'm with you, any recommendations for replacements?

TanyavonZ commented 5 years ago

I don't understand why Fb/Instagram wouldn't want this, it drives more people over to their site rather than the other way round. So, does that mean it's best to deactivate and no longer use the Instagram widget/plug in? If this is really the end of it, that's so sad, because it was really so great and beautiful. Thank you for that. :)

lukestateson commented 5 years ago

So, does that mean it's best to deactivate and no longer use the Instagram widget/plug in? If this is really the end of it, that's so sad, because it was really so great and beautiful. Thank you for that. :)

Yes. Or don't use shared IP hosting provider. It 100% will still work with 1 access per day from one IP.

WriteoftheMiddle commented 5 years ago

Please help - I've tried everything above and still no luck. I don't write or understand coding much. Here's a screenshot of where I have added the code mentioned into my Functions php. Have I put it in the right/wrong place? Thanks for any assistance. Screen Shot 2019-08-26 at 9 41 38 am

WriteoftheMiddle commented 5 years ago

Oh - have just read the later comments. Is there nothing to fix this? Is this the end of this plugin? Any recommendation of what else might work ?

lukestateson commented 5 years ago

Oh - have just read the later comments. Is there nothing to fix this? Is this the end of this plugin? Any recommendation of what else might work ?

Switch from shared hosting.

HarmonieJ commented 5 years ago

Oh - have just read the later comments. Is there nothing to fix this? Is this the end of this plugin? Any recommendation of what else might work ?

Switch from shared hosting.

And if we don't want to do that? Any other plugins that would work?

AlchemyUnited commented 5 years ago

@lukestateson - Moving from shared hosting might help, but for how long? I presume IG's ToS has "rules" against scraping, right? Don't get me wrong, we love this plugin but it's now difficult to predict what IG will do in the future.

AlchemyUnited commented 5 years ago

@scottsweb - Hey Scott. I was thinking about this over the weekend and I see two possible solutions.

1) Use IFTTT or Zapier to get the images from IG, tho' I'm not sure where to send them (Google Drive? OneDrive?) and how to get them from there, If there was a way to get them into an RSS feed that should be good enough. You'll lose the link back to the individual images but, at least in our case, we're mostly interested in displaying the feed. From the IG profile page ppl can sort it out from there.

2) Use the official IG iframe embed, put it on a "hidden" webpage somewhere, and then scrape THAT page. IG believes it's rendering it's iframe, we get to avoid all that payload load on every page. This is probably the better idea of the two. It doesn't allow for scraping by tag, but at least most people will be able to get their own IG images, I think.

scottsweb commented 5 years ago

@AlchemyUnited can you provide an example or link to the iFrame embed option. I haven't seen that and it might provide some opportunities.

kgshv commented 5 years ago

Just a thought. Maybe consider giving this a new life by creating a plugin settings page and asking users for their Instagram username / password or for an access token? This might provide further food for thought maybe:

AlchemyUnited commented 5 years ago

@scottsweb - Oh. I guess I was under the impress that IG has one in the same way FB, Tw, etc. have one. Maybe not?

Maybe this could help?

AlchemyUnited commented 5 years ago

@kgshv - Interesting. Nice find.

HarmonieJ commented 5 years ago

@scottsweb - Oh. I guess I was under the impress that IG has one in the same way FB, Tw, etc. have one. Maybe not?

Maybe this could help?

Thanks for the link. Just downloaded the smash balloon one and it's working now. Not as clean and nice as this plugin, but it's doing the job. Cheers

AlchemyUnited commented 5 years ago

@HarmonieJ - So with that other one I presume you have to enter your IG credentials, yes? When you say "not as clean and nice" what do you mean? tia

iangeek commented 5 years ago

@HarmonieJ - So with that other one I presume you have to enter your IG credentials, yes? When you say "not as clean and nice" what do you mean? tia

@AlchemyUnited With the Smash Balloon one, they've registered the plugin as a third-party app with IG, which you then authorize access for the plugin to access your account ([yadda-yadda-whatevs] ). So obviously not ideal, who knows what's going on with the data, etc etc. But it works, and is presumably within IG's TOS. I've got one or two sites I've inherited along the way that use it. Although even then its not perfect, with IG occasionally just dropping the authentication without warning or reason, forcing you to re-authorize.

vatologic commented 5 years ago

The proxy fix is definitely dead as far as shared hosting is concerned. Just dug a little deeper and the raw HTTP that I'm getting from a local command line > cURL or _php > file_getcontents(); call is vastly different from the same call from my shared hosting. It seems Zuckerberg found a way to filter automated requests.

As far as I can discern, the official API /GraphQL isn't going to be of much help - as it's limited to the authorised account. One could theoretically build a local system that does the scraping, but once those requests get out of hand - or too regular; an IP ban is most likely eminent.

mbast100 commented 5 years ago

how do you update a plugin through a URL like you mentioned in the README for version 2.0.4.

thanks !

AlchemyUnited commented 5 years ago

@scottsweb - Silly IG blocking scraping on all pages or only profile pages? That is, can you scrap a single image page?

scottsweb commented 5 years ago

@AlchemyUnited I haven't tested on a single image page, I am not aware of those pages containing the JSON object we need though... and scraping one page at a time is more likely to lead to a ban as suddenly we are hitting 12ish pages a time.

scottsweb commented 5 years ago

@mbast100 just upload the zip file manually is easiest. Details above in this comment:

AlchemyUnited commented 5 years ago

@scottsweb - Yeah. Agree. I'm just poking around for answers / possibilities. If you transient'ed the images it could cut down on scrapes.

honlapdavid commented 5 years ago

@infiniteembers this is the solution:

  1. Download the plugin:
  2. Upload the plugin manually:
  3. If it still does not work, add the following code add_filter('wpiw_proxy', '__return_true'); to your site. Normally added in the functions.php file of your theme or via plugin, e.g:

There will be no more automattic plugin updates as it has been removed from the .org repo #115

I tried it this methode, but no working. Any other tips? Thank you.

reb013 commented 5 years ago

@scottsweb Any ETA on this fix or is this or is it dead? I bought a theme that basically revolves around this plugin. A non-coding fix- The hashtag option still works. If you create a hashtag that is completely unique to your instagram account and post it in your photo captions, then you can work around this.

scottsweb commented 5 years ago

@reb013 @honlapdavid I am not aware of any fix for this currently. Instagram are blocking request and it is now out of my hands.

If you have purchased a theme you will need to speak to the person you purchased it from. They probably should have not built a business on a plugin whilst providing no investment or development to a product they depend upon.

scottsweb commented 4 years ago

I'm closing this issue now and will be removing recommendations as there are none that I endorse.

The repo will be put into archive mode in a few days.

Jany-M commented 4 years ago

Yes, grab the zip from here: and upload manually, see how you get on.

@scottsweb Link doesn't work. It cuts the .zip away from url and returns 404: Not Found. Has this been implemented in the latest version on WP repository already? If yes, even using the filter, nothing gets displayed. I get the widget's code, but the images are returned as <img src(unknown)>