scottwernervt / cloudstorage

Unified cloud storage API for storage services.
MIT License
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Utility function for parsing uri into container, path #48

Open erinwild opened 5 years ago

erinwild commented 5 years ago

I'm looking to gauge whether adding a utility function would be a useful or welcome addition to this library. In order to use cloudstorage in some of our projects we've added a helper function to parse s3 and wasb urls, for example, into container, path for use in bits of code like:

container = storage.get_container(parsed_container)
container.upload_blob(f, blob_name=parsed_path)

If there's any interest, I'd be happy to help with implementing and expanding a helper function like below:

def parse_blob_path(blob_path: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str]:
    """Splits a blob URL into a `(protocol, container, path)` tuple."""
    if not blob_path:
        raise CloudStorageError('blob_path cannot be empty')
    scheme, netloc, path, _, _ = urlsplit(blob_path)
    path_without_leading_slash = path[1:]
    if scheme in ('s3', 's3a', 's3n', 'gs'):
        container = netloc
    elif scheme in ('wasb', 'wasbs'):
        container, storage_account = netloc.split('@')
        raise CloudStorageError(f'Unknown scheme {scheme}; which cloud provider is this?')
    return scheme, container, path_without_leading_slash


scottwernervt commented 5 years ago

Go ahead and implement it since it sounds like it would definitely benefit other users.