scottwrobinson / camo

A class-based ES6 ODM for Mongo-like databases.
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async / await syntax? #30

Closed dcsan closed 8 years ago

dcsan commented 8 years ago

I like the camo API a lot, but wonder if you'd consider adding a way to use it more in a 'synchronous' style with the new await / async ES7 stuff?

scottwrobinson commented 8 years ago

Can you be a bit more specific? If I understand async/await correctly, it works seamlessly with promises, right? And since most, if not all, of the Document methods return relevant data/objects, I'd think something like this should work with async/await:

var smiths = await Person.loadMany({lastName: 'Smith'});
smiths.forEach(function(s) {
    console.log(s.firstName, s.lastName);

Admittedly I haven't done any testing with async/await on Camo yet. Since a big part of Camo is emphasizing the new JavaScript syntax/features, I'll have to start testing it more.

Thanks for bringing this up!

dcsan commented 8 years ago

I guess you're right, it would be just using the existing camo API in an ES7 environment.

might be nice to see a little demo node app with the required Babel transpilers etc all bundled up, and maybe a nice pipeline with webpack.

I guess node still doesn't support it natively yet. according to this maybe not for awhile:

and I guess there are gotchas around inner/outer functions and where you actually 'await'

I did see some demos with Fibers and mongo drivers, and having used Meteor a lot, their mongo API is really easy to work with even on node 10.x series (they wrap everything in fibers)

dcsan commented 8 years ago

looks interesting

scottwrobinson commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the info. I'm working on creating some more formal documentation for Camo, so maybe I'll add a section of examples, including ones using async/await.

If you have any other suggestions or questions, please let me know. Otherwise I'm going to close this issue.
