scottwrobinson / camo

A class-based ES6 ODM for Mongo-like databases.
556 stars 80 forks source link

Awesome Project! Milestones? #69

Open philkunz opened 8 years ago

philkunz commented 8 years ago


this looks like an awesome project! One quick question: Would it be possible to do some milestones, so we know where this project is at currently?

Cheers Phil form Lossless

cdaringe commented 8 years ago

do you need additional contributors, too? looks like it's a one man show. open to having other people join up? may get some PRs thru and issues closed...

scottwrobinson commented 8 years ago

@philkunz I have some rough milestones planned out, but I definitely want to get some feedback on them before implementing. I'll create a wiki page with the milestones and solicit feedback from everyone in the next few days.

@cdaringe I appreciate the offer to contribute! It would be great to have contributors so development isn't so dependent on my own schedule. I think once we have a better plan for the next phases of the project it'll be easier to divide work between contributors. I'll let you know.


scottwrobinson commented 8 years ago

Finally got around to writing up some rough milestones. Posted them here. Just details the changes to be made for the next minor (v0.13.0) and major (v1.0.0) updates. Let me know what you think.

@cdaringe if you're still up for contributing, I'd appreciate the help. Just let me know.


cdaringe commented 8 years ago

hey @scottwrobinson, awesome! unfortunately I dropped out of the project that was camo dense, and consequently dropped the vested interest. lots of projects on the plate ATM, but perhaps if I circle back around, I'd be delighted to drop some commits in!

scottwrobinson commented 8 years ago

@cdaringe no problem, totally understand! Thanks for the initial offer anyway.

@philkunz do the milestones I posted help you at all? I'm happy to go in to more detail if you're interested. Also, feel free to submit feedback if you have any.