scotty0100 / wowascension-issues

Issues for WoW Ascension
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NPC - Mograine #130

Open Skylark14 opened 10 years ago

Skylark14 commented 10 years ago

Name: Dhanae Account Name (for vote points rewards): Skylark Map & Area: Scarlet Cathedral - Mograine How to replicate the bug: Engage him What happens: He doesn't summon any adds. We deliberately left some alive to test if it was working. What should happen: He should summon some adds if there are any left up Located on WoWHead Map (if applicable): Source (proof, if applicable):

Extra Information:

Test all four areas:

Library - everything working as intended except think the respawn time for the Mythology of the Titans book for the quest is too slow Armory - everything working as intended Graveyard - everything working as intended Cathedral - Mograine as above. Also we had a mage around level 37 who was able to polymorph Mograin, he should be immune to cc, plus one abbot who behaved strangely - ran out of the cathedral and got stuck by the wall near the fountain, you could not kill him but tank was actually hitting him inside the cathedral although he was invisible to the rest of us inside the cathedral but we could all see him still outside.

Apart from these minor things everything worked well. Good work Honch!

Swater96 commented 10 years ago

Do we know specifically what mograine is immune to?

0 NONE 32768 BANDAGE 1 CHARM 65536 POLYMORPH 2 CONFUSED 131072 BANISH 4 DISARM 262144 SHIELD 8 DISTRACT 524288 SHACKLE 16 FEAR 1048576 MOUNT 32 FUMBLE 2097152 PERSUADE 64 ROOT 4194304 TURN 128 PACIFY 8388608 HORROR 256 SILENCE 16777216 INVULNERABILITY 512 SLEEP 33554432 INTERRUPT 1024 SNARE 67108864 DAZE 2048 STUN 134217728 DISCOVERY 4096 FREEZE 268435456 IMMUNE_SHIELD 8192 KNOCKOUT 536870912 SAPPED 16384 BLEED

Swater96 commented 10 years ago

Spawntime fix has been written

Skylark14 commented 10 years ago

Not specifically but he certainly shouldn't be able to be polymorphed.

scotty0100 commented 10 years ago

Spawntime fix now implemented as of today's patch.