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Issues for WoW Ascension
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Instance - Scholomance - Ras Frostwhisper - Punt-Stun-lock-a-thon #484

Open Bilbo79 opened 9 years ago

Bilbo79 commented 9 years ago

Name: Ocholoco Account Name: Bilbo79 Map & Area: Scholomance, in the Ras Frostwhisper room

How to replicate the bug: Fight Ras like you normally would What happens:

a) The fight just becomes a big CC-a-thon for Ras. He can hardly be engaged by a tank for any length of time without being chain Punted, chain Frozen, and chain Ice Blocked. It is comical how out of control Ras is with his CC.

Even with a good dispeller (priest, pally, etc), this is ridiculous, as 1/2 the time the Magic based spell can't even be dispelled properly. The other 1/2 of the time it is.

While being Ice Blocked, and Frozen, in an un-dispellable state, he can simply stunlock the tank to death. I have done this one time without using the priest to dispell, and watched him take the tank from almost 100% to 0%, without the tank ever leaving CC, over a 45 second to 1 minute time period. What is the group going to do without a dispell (that only works 50% of the time, let alone the 100% it should be at)?

In a normal fight, the priest hardly has to heal. Just dispell all the time. What is this, Arena?

b) Ras is just like every other broken caster mob in Ascension world, in that he cannot be pulled and positioned properly for the fight, since he just stands there in the same place (his original position), and waits for you to come to him, and melee him, and interrupt, and do special things to try to move him.

What should happen:

a) There should be some kind of Cooldown on these abilities. Running back after being punted, just to get punted instantly again, 3 times in a row is just dumb. Stunlocked to death is not Blizzlike.

b) He should be able to move from his original spot, and be positioned by a puller. Not have to take 50% damage, and try interrupts and creative abilities to try to move this broken caster.

Located on WoWHead Map (if applicable): Scholo, wherever these mobs can be found. Source (proof, if applicable): Personal Experience

Extra Information:

It should be noted that it is just the Spectre's with this spell. The Researchers, and the Teachers all perform all of their abilities like they should.