scotty0100 / wowascension-issues

Issues for WoW Ascension
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Class - Warlock - Spell - Curse of Recklessness #505

Open Foosbooty opened 9 years ago

Foosbooty commented 9 years ago

Does not always prevent enemy from fleeing. Examples are Mosshide Gnolls and Mongrels in the Wetlands.

Foosbooty commented 9 years ago

It appears intermittent. Sometimes it works and some times not. I have tried CoR first, last, in the middle and cast over another curse. Doesn't seem to affect whether it works or not. Seems random.

abbab commented 9 years ago

I've noticed this same thing, both with locks using CoR and with pallies using the judgement that duplicates this effect. What I think I've noticed is that whether or not it works depends on the proximity of the next mob. When another mob is nearby, it doesn't matter whether you've used these spells or not, the little bugger is going to peel away and get help. If there isn't another mob nearby, he won't run. All it really saves you is a little bit of legwork if you're all alone out there.

kamicolo commented 9 years ago

Quick comment linking related: