scour-project / scour

Scour - An SVG Optimizer / Cleaner
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Pull request for sphinx-docu #316 #317

Open 44xtc44 opened 1 year ago

44xtc44 commented 1 year ago

Announce for PR #316. This is the documentation in rst format. Please review, comment which parts to remove or update. Or reject PR, pull from fork and cleanup yourself, PR. The docu can be removed by del /docs folder.

RST documentation needs a little bit effort to test. You need to install some packages. The user don't need. Pull the "sphinx-docu" branch to the local repo. Go to /docs/source/ and read the doc_string, or follow:

pip install -U sphinx pip install sphinx-rtd-theme pip install sphinxcontrib-napoleon

Use sphinx-apidoc to build your API documentation:

cd docs sphinx-apidoc -f -o source/ ../scour/ # for PR done already! make html

if you add a rst document, add to index.rst and rerun sphinx-apidoc -f -o source/ ../scour/


create a page, web hook, on and update manually on docu change

Install sphinx packages, then open a terminal in /docs to execute Makefile: $ make html open /docs/build/html/index.html The output is the same as it is shown in, if you login and create a web hook for the scour repo. The /docs/buid folder is not needed for the functionality. Just for review.

Best regards