scragg0x / realms-wiki

Git based wiki inspired by Gollum
GNU General Public License v2.0
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realms systemd #187

Closed nzuhdi closed 7 years ago

nzuhdi commented 7 years ago

okay guys. how do you set up realms to work with systemd so that it will load after reboot? please share your realms systemd config.

ctappy commented 7 years ago

[Unit] Description=Realms

[Service] ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/realms-wiki start Restart=always TasksMax=infinity



ctappy commented 7 years ago

add this, or similar to your systemd service directory

dereks commented 7 years ago

Here is another systemd example. This example is based on the Upstart script that Realms-wiki will create if you run sudo realms-wiki setup_upstart. (Ubuntu switched from upstart to systemd with release 15.04.)

Description=Realms Wiki


ExecStart=/home/ubuntu/realms-wiki/.venv/bin/python /home/ubuntu/realms-wiki/.venv/bin/gunicorn \
--certfile=/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem   \
--keyfile=/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key  \
--name realms-wiki     \
--access-logfile -     \
--error-logfile -      \
--worker-class gevent  \
--workers 5            \
--bind    \
--user ubuntu          \
--group ssl-cert       \
--chdir /home/ubuntu/realms-wiki/.venv  \



Unlike ctapert's example, this will run Realms-wiki using gunicorn as a multi-threaded web server.

This example is different from the provided Upstart script because it also uses SSL encryption.

It references the self-signed certificate that gets created if you run sudo apt-get install ssl-cert. The private key is only visible to the group ssl-cert, so I modified the Upstart example to run gunicorn with group ssl-cert.

Finally, the path /home/ubuntu/realms-wiki/ is where I installed it on my LXC container. It will need to be edited for your environment.

nzuhdi commented 7 years ago

Cool. I have tested both ways. And both are working great! With @dereks method I've tested without the SSL. @ctaperts @dereks Thanks!

One small problem, how can I load my own .git repo? Running the command realms-wiki start manually will successfully load my own data (/root/data/wiki/). While running with systemctl start realms.service will load the git repo at /tmp/wiki/.

(.venv)root@chimera:~/realms-wiki# find / -name ""
ctappy commented 7 years ago

It is looking for the realms-wiki.json file, I haven't tested this but if you add it to the /etc/realms-wiki directory it should work

dereks commented 7 years ago

Check the README for the command realms-wiki setup. That will ask you some questions and then generate a new file realms-wiki.json, which looks like this:

    "ALLOW_ANON": false,
    "BASE_URL": "http://localhost",
    "CACHE_TYPE": "simple",
    "DB_URI": "sqlite:////home/ubuntu/wiki.db",
    "PORT": 5000,
    "SEARCH_TYPE": "simple",
    "SECRET_KEY": "YjSZEmaZ...ABBAcY",
    "SITE_TITLE": "My Wiki",
    "WIKI_PATH": "/home/ubuntu/wiki"

This file must be in the current directory you launch Realms-wiki from, or else globally under /etc/ as per the docs.

If it can't find this file, it will use the defaults defined in, which (by default) will create a new wiki under /tmp/wiki/.

nzuhdi commented 7 years ago

it totally works! thank you again for your insights @ctaperts @dereks