scraly / hello-world

Golang CLI application
Apache License 2.0
5 stars 2 forks source link

[validator]could not find templates for `lang`: gogo #2

Open AntonioSun opened 2 years ago

AntonioSun commented 2 years ago

Thanks Aurelie,

I'm getting the following errors, 

$ go run mage.go
  _   _          _   _            __        __                 _       _
 | | | |   ___  | | | |   ___     \ \      / /   ___    _ __  | |   __| |
 | |_| |  / _ \ | | | |  / _ \     \ \ /\ / /   / _ \  | '__| | |  / _` |
 |  _  | |  __/ | | | | | (_) |     \ V  V /   | (_) | | |    | | | (_| |
 |_| |_|  \___| |_| |_|  \___/       \_/\_/     \___/  |_|    |_|  \__,_|

# Build Info ---------------------------------------------------------------
Go version : go1.17.2
Git revision : e95af2b
Git branch : master
Tag : 0.0.1

# Core packages ------------------------------------------------------------
## Vendoring dependencies
## Generate code
### Protobuf
#### Lint protobuf
2022-05-02T11:16:26.389+0800    WARN    protoc returned a line we do not understand, please file this as an issue at   {"protocLine": "[validator]could not find templates for `lang`: gogo"}
<input>:1:1:2022/05/02 11:16:26 WARNING: Deprecated use of 'go_package' option without a full import path in "pkg/protocol/helloworld/v1/greeter.proto", please specify:
<input>:1:1:A future release of protoc-gen-go will require the import path be specified.
<input>:1:1:See for more information.
<input>:1:1:[validator]could not find templates for `lang`: gogo
<input>:1:1:option go_package = "pkg/protocol/helloworld/v1;helloworldv1";
<input>:1:1:protoc-gen-validate failed with status code 1.
Error: running "prototool generate" failed with exit code 255
exit status 255

However, I've tried many ways to fix it but all failed.

Does it has anything to do with
Or maybe this project just needs a bit updates to catch with latest versions?

how to fix it please? thx!

AntonioSun commented 2 years ago

Also, I'm getting the following errors too:

$ go run mage.go -d tools
Error determining list of magefiles: failed to list non-mage gofiles: exit status 1
exit status 1