Closed lx1054331851 closed 4 years ago
Can you post the result of command “pip list”? For comparison, can you new a virtual env and install Scrapyd solely?
Scrapy 1.8.0 scrapy-redis 0.6.8 scrapyd 1.2.1 scrapyd-client 1.1.0 Twisted 19.10.0 I'm will create new env try again.
now, I create new_env run scrapyd is ok. So Cool.
pip list result is :
(base) lee@ScrapyStation:~$ pip list
Package Version
------------------------------------- -------------------
adal 1.2.2
alabaster 0.7.12
anaconda-client 1.7.2
anaconda-navigator 1.9.12
anaconda-project 0.8.3
APScheduler 3.6.3
asn1crypto 1.3.0
astroid 2.3.3
astropy 4.0
atomicwrites 1.3.0
attrs 19.3.0
Automat 20.2.0
azure 4.0.0
azure-applicationinsights 0.1.0
azure-batch 4.1.3
azure-common 1.1.25
azure-cosmosdb-nspkg 2.0.2
azure-cosmosdb-table 1.0.6
azure-datalake-store 0.0.48
azure-eventgrid 1.3.0
azure-graphrbac 0.40.0
azure-keyvault 1.1.0
azure-loganalytics 0.1.0
azure-mgmt 4.0.0
azure-mgmt-advisor 1.0.1
azure-mgmt-applicationinsights 0.1.1
azure-mgmt-authorization 0.50.0
azure-mgmt-batch 5.0.1
azure-mgmt-batchai 2.0.0
azure-mgmt-billing 0.2.0
azure-mgmt-cdn 3.1.0
azure-mgmt-cognitiveservices 3.0.0
azure-mgmt-commerce 1.0.1
azure-mgmt-compute 4.6.2
azure-mgmt-consumption 2.0.0
azure-mgmt-containerinstance 1.5.0
azure-mgmt-containerregistry 2.8.0
azure-mgmt-containerservice 4.4.0
azure-mgmt-cosmosdb 0.4.1
azure-mgmt-datafactory 0.6.0
azure-mgmt-datalake-analytics 0.6.0
azure-mgmt-datalake-nspkg 3.0.1
azure-mgmt-datalake-store 0.5.0
azure-mgmt-datamigration 1.0.0
azure-mgmt-devspaces 0.1.0
azure-mgmt-devtestlabs 2.2.0
azure-mgmt-dns 2.1.0
azure-mgmt-eventgrid 1.0.0
azure-mgmt-eventhub 2.6.0
azure-mgmt-hanaonazure 0.1.1
azure-mgmt-iotcentral 0.1.0
azure-mgmt-iothub 0.5.0
azure-mgmt-iothubprovisioningservices 0.2.0
azure-mgmt-keyvault 1.1.0
azure-mgmt-loganalytics 0.2.0
azure-mgmt-logic 3.0.0
azure-mgmt-machinelearningcompute 0.4.1
azure-mgmt-managementgroups 0.1.0
azure-mgmt-managementpartner 0.1.1
azure-mgmt-maps 0.1.0
azure-mgmt-marketplaceordering 0.1.0
azure-mgmt-media 1.0.0
azure-mgmt-monitor 0.5.2
azure-mgmt-msi 0.2.0
azure-mgmt-network 2.7.0
azure-mgmt-notificationhubs 2.1.0
azure-mgmt-nspkg 3.0.2
azure-mgmt-policyinsights 0.1.0
azure-mgmt-powerbiembedded 2.0.0
azure-mgmt-rdbms 1.9.0
azure-mgmt-recoveryservices 0.3.0
azure-mgmt-recoveryservicesbackup 0.3.0
azure-mgmt-redis 5.0.0
azure-mgmt-relay 0.1.0
azure-mgmt-reservations 0.2.1
azure-mgmt-resource 2.2.0
azure-mgmt-scheduler 2.0.0
azure-mgmt-search 2.1.0
azure-mgmt-servicebus 0.5.3
azure-mgmt-servicefabric 0.2.0
azure-mgmt-signalr 0.1.1
azure-mgmt-sql 0.9.1
azure-mgmt-storage 2.0.0
azure-mgmt-subscription 0.2.0
azure-mgmt-trafficmanager 0.50.0
azure-mgmt-web 0.35.0
azure-nspkg 3.0.2
azure-servicebus 0.21.1
azure-servicemanagement-legacy 0.20.6
azure-storage-blob 1.5.0
azure-storage-common 1.4.2
azure-storage-file 1.4.0
azure-storage-queue 1.4.0
Babel 2.8.0
backcall 0.1.0
backports.functools-lru-cache 1.6.1
backports.os 0.1.1
backports.shutil-get-terminal-size 1.0.0
backports.tempfile 1.0
backports.weakref 1.0.post1
beautifulsoup4 4.8.2
bitarray 1.2.1
bkcharts 0.2
bleach 3.1.0
bokeh 2.0.0
boto 2.49.0
Bottleneck 1.3.2
certifi 2019.11.28
cffi 1.14.0
chardet 3.0.4
Click 7.0
cloudpickle 1.3.0
clyent 1.2.2
colorama 0.4.3
conda 4.8.2
conda-build 3.18.11
conda-package-handling 1.6.0
conda-verify 3.4.2
constantly 15.1.0
contextlib2 0.6.0.post1
cryptography 2.8
cssselect 1.1.0
cycler 0.10.0
Cython 0.29.15
cytoolz 0.10.1
dask 2.12.0
decorator 4.4.1
defusedxml 0.6.0
dictmysql 0.6.8
distributed 2.12.0
docutils 0.16
entrypoints 0.3
et-xmlfile 1.0.1
fastcache 1.1.0
filelock 3.0.12
Flask 1.1.1
Flask-Compress 1.4.0
Flask-SQLAlchemy 2.4.1
fsspec 0.6.2
future 0.18.2
gevent 1.4.0
glob2 0.7
gmpy2 2.0.8
greenlet 0.4.15
h5py 2.10.0
HeapDict 1.0.1
html5lib 1.0.1
hyperlink 19.0.0
hypothesis 5.5.4
idna 2.8
imageio 2.6.1
imagesize 1.2.0
importlib-metadata 1.5.0
incremental 17.5.0
ipykernel 5.1.4
ipython 7.13.0
ipython-genutils 0.2.0
ipywidgets 7.5.1
isodate 0.6.0
isort 4.3.21
itsdangerous 1.1.0
jdcal 1.4.1
jedi 0.16.0
jeepney 0.4.2
Jinja2 2.11.1
joblib 0.14.1
Js2Py 0.68
json5 0.9.1
jsonschema 3.2.0
jupyter 1.0.0
jupyter-client 5.3.4
jupyter-console 6.1.0
jupyter-core 4.6.1
jupyterlab 1.2.6
jupyterlab-server 1.0.6
keyring 21.1.0
kiwisolver 1.1.0
lazy-object-proxy 1.4.3
libarchive-c 2.8
lief 0.9.0
llvmlite 0.31.0
locket 0.2.0
logparser 0.8.2
lxml 4.5.0
MarkupSafe 1.1.1
matplotlib 3.1.3
mccabe 0.6.1
mistune 0.8.4
mkl-fft 1.0.15
mkl-random 1.1.0
mkl-service 2.3.0
mock 4.0.1
more-itertools 8.2.0
mpmath 1.1.0
msgpack 0.6.1
msrest 0.6.11
msrestazure 0.6.2
multipledispatch 0.6.0
navigator-updater 0.2.1
nbconvert 5.6.1
nbformat 5.0.4
networkx 2.4
nltk 3.4.5
nose 1.3.7
notebook 6.0.3
numba 0.48.0
numexpr 2.7.1
numpy 1.18.1
numpydoc 0.9.2
oauthlib 3.1.0
olefile 0.46
openpyxl 3.0.3
packaging 20.1
pandas 1.0.1
pandocfilters 1.4.2
parsel 1.5.2
parso 0.6.1
partd 1.1.0
path 13.1.0
pathlib2 2.3.5
patsy 0.5.1
pep8 1.7.1
pexpect 4.8.0
pickleshare 0.7.5
Pillow 7.0.0
pip 20.0.2
pluggy 0.13.1
ply 3.11
prometheus-client 0.7.1
prompt-toolkit 3.0.3
Protego 0.1.16
psutil 5.6.7
ptyprocess 0.6.0
py 1.8.1
pyasn1 0.4.8
pyasn1-modules 0.2.8
pycodestyle 2.5.0
pycosat 0.6.3
pycparser 2.19
pycrypto 2.6.1
PyDispatcher 2.0.5
pyflakes 2.1.1
Pygments 2.5.2
PyHamcrest 2.0.2
pyjsparser 2.7.1
PyJWT 1.7.1
pylint 2.4.4
PyMySQL 0.9.3
pyodbc 4.0.0-unsupported
pyOpenSSL 19.1.0
pyparsing 2.4.6
pyrsistent 0.15.7
PySocks 1.7.1
pytest 5.0.1
pytest-arraydiff 0.3
pytest-astropy 0.8.0
pytest-astropy-header 0.1.2
pytest-doctestplus 0.5.0
pytest-openfiles 0.4.0
pytest-remotedata 0.3.2
python-dateutil 2.8.1
pytz 2019.3
PyWavelets 1.1.1
PyYAML 5.3
pyzmq 18.1.1
QtAwesome 0.6.1
qtconsole 4.7.1
QtPy 1.9.0
queuelib 1.5.0
redis 3.4.1
requests 2.23.0
requests-oauthlib 1.3.0
rope 0.16.0
ruamel-yaml 0.15.87
scikit-image 0.16.2
scikit-learn 0.22.1
scipy 1.4.1
Scrapy 2.0.0
scrapyd 1.2.1
scrapydweb 1.4.0
seaborn 0.10.0
SecretStorage 3.1.2
Send2Trash 1.5.0
service-identity 18.1.0
setuptools 46.0.0.post20200309
simplegeneric 0.8.1
six 1.14.0
snowballstemmer 2.0.0
sortedcollections 1.1.2
sortedcontainers 2.1.0
soupsieve 1.9.5
Sphinx 2.4.0
sphinxcontrib-applehelp 1.0.1
sphinxcontrib-devhelp 1.0.1
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp 1.0.2
sphinxcontrib-jsmath 1.0.1
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sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 1.1.3
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SQLAlchemy 1.3.13
statsmodels 0.11.0
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tables 3.6.1
tblib 1.6.0
terminado 0.8.3
testpath 0.4.4
toolz 0.10.0
tornado 6.0.3
tqdm 4.42.1
traitlets 4.3.3
Twisted 19.10.0
tzlocal 2.0.0
unicodecsv 0.14.1
urllib3 1.25.8
w3lib 1.21.0
wcwidth 0.1.8
webencodings 0.5.1
Werkzeug 1.0.0
wheel 0.34.2
widgetsnbextension 3.5.1
wrapt 1.11.2
wurlitzer 2.0.0
xlrd 1.2.0
XlsxWriter 1.2.7
xlwt 1.3.0
xmltodict 0.12.0
zict 1.0.0
zipp 2.2.0
zope.interface 4.7.2
After I create a new env, scrapyd start successfully.
(scrapyer) lee@ScrapyStation:~$ pip list
Package Version
---------------- -------------------
attrs 19.3.0
Automat 20.2.0
certifi 2019.11.28
cffi 1.14.0
constantly 15.1.0
cryptography 2.8
cssselect 1.1.0
hyperlink 19.0.0
idna 2.9
incremental 17.5.0
lxml 4.5.0
parsel 1.5.2
pip 20.0.2
Protego 0.1.16
pyasn1 0.4.8
pyasn1-modules 0.2.8
pycparser 2.20
PyDispatcher 2.0.5
PyHamcrest 2.0.2
pyOpenSSL 19.1.0
queuelib 1.5.0
Scrapy 2.0.0
scrapyd 1.2.1
service-identity 18.1.0
setuptools 46.0.0.post20200309
six 1.14.0
Twisted 19.10.0
w3lib 1.21.0
wheel 0.34.2
zope.interface 4.7.2
(scrapyer) lee@ScrapyStation:~$ scrapyd
2020-03-14T12:13:53+0000 [-] Loading /home/lee/anaconda3/envs/scrapyer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scrapyd/
2020-03-14T12:13:53+0000 [-] Scrapyd web console available at
2020-03-14T12:13:53+0000 [-] Loaded.
2020-03-14T12:13:53+0000 [twisted.scripts._twistd_unix.UnixAppLogger#info] twistd 19.10.0 (/home/lee/anaconda3/envs/scrapyer/bin/python 3.7.6) starting up.
2020-03-14T12:13:53+0000 [twisted.scripts._twistd_unix.UnixAppLogger#info] reactor class: twisted.internet.epollreactor.EPollReactor.
2020-03-14T12:13:53+0000 [-] Site starting on 6800
2020-03-14T12:13:53+0000 [twisted.web.server.Site#info] Starting factory <twisted.web.server.Site object at 0x7f25398eb150>
2020-03-14T12:13:53+0000 [Launcher] Scrapyd 1.2.1 started: max_proc=8, runner='scrapyd.runner'
^C2020-03-14T12:13:58+0000 [-] Received SIGINT, shutting down.
2020-03-14T12:13:58+0000 [-] (TCP Port 6800 Closed)
2020-03-14T12:13:58+0000 [twisted.web.server.Site#info] Stopping factory <twisted.web.server.Site object at 0x7f25398eb150>
Today I update conda use "conda update --all", scrapyd start successfully!
(base) lee@ScrapyStation:~$ pip list
Package Version
------------------------------------- -------------------
adal 1.2.2
alabaster 0.7.12
anaconda-client 1.7.2
anaconda-navigator 1.9.12
anaconda-project 0.8.3
APScheduler 3.6.3
asn1crypto 1.3.0
astroid 2.3.3
astropy 4.0
atomicwrites 1.3.0
attrs 19.3.0
Automat 20.2.0
azure 4.0.0
azure-applicationinsights 0.1.0
azure-batch 4.1.3
azure-common 1.1.25
azure-cosmosdb-nspkg 2.0.2
azure-cosmosdb-table 1.0.6
azure-datalake-store 0.0.48
azure-eventgrid 1.3.0
azure-graphrbac 0.40.0
azure-keyvault 1.1.0
azure-loganalytics 0.1.0
azure-mgmt 4.0.0
azure-mgmt-advisor 1.0.1
azure-mgmt-applicationinsights 0.1.1
azure-mgmt-authorization 0.50.0
azure-mgmt-batch 5.0.1
azure-mgmt-batchai 2.0.0
azure-mgmt-billing 0.2.0
azure-mgmt-cdn 3.1.0
azure-mgmt-cognitiveservices 3.0.0
azure-mgmt-commerce 1.0.1
azure-mgmt-compute 4.6.2
azure-mgmt-consumption 2.0.0
azure-mgmt-containerinstance 1.5.0
azure-mgmt-containerregistry 2.8.0
azure-mgmt-containerservice 4.4.0
azure-mgmt-cosmosdb 0.4.1
azure-mgmt-datafactory 0.6.0
azure-mgmt-datalake-analytics 0.6.0
azure-mgmt-datalake-nspkg 3.0.1
azure-mgmt-datalake-store 0.5.0
azure-mgmt-datamigration 1.0.0
azure-mgmt-devspaces 0.1.0
azure-mgmt-devtestlabs 2.2.0
azure-mgmt-dns 2.1.0
azure-mgmt-eventgrid 1.0.0
azure-mgmt-eventhub 2.6.0
azure-mgmt-hanaonazure 0.1.1
azure-mgmt-iotcentral 0.1.0
azure-mgmt-iothub 0.5.0
azure-mgmt-iothubprovisioningservices 0.2.0
azure-mgmt-keyvault 1.1.0
azure-mgmt-loganalytics 0.2.0
azure-mgmt-logic 3.0.0
azure-mgmt-machinelearningcompute 0.4.1
azure-mgmt-managementgroups 0.1.0
azure-mgmt-managementpartner 0.1.1
azure-mgmt-maps 0.1.0
azure-mgmt-marketplaceordering 0.1.0
azure-mgmt-media 1.0.0
azure-mgmt-monitor 0.5.2
azure-mgmt-msi 0.2.0
azure-mgmt-network 2.7.0
azure-mgmt-notificationhubs 2.1.0
azure-mgmt-nspkg 3.0.2
azure-mgmt-policyinsights 0.1.0
azure-mgmt-powerbiembedded 2.0.0
azure-mgmt-rdbms 1.9.0
azure-mgmt-recoveryservices 0.3.0
azure-mgmt-recoveryservicesbackup 0.3.0
azure-mgmt-redis 5.0.0
azure-mgmt-relay 0.1.0
azure-mgmt-reservations 0.2.1
azure-mgmt-resource 2.2.0
azure-mgmt-scheduler 2.0.0
azure-mgmt-search 2.1.0
azure-mgmt-servicebus 0.5.3
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azure-mgmt-signalr 0.1.1
azure-mgmt-sql 0.9.1
azure-mgmt-storage 2.0.0
azure-mgmt-subscription 0.2.0
azure-mgmt-trafficmanager 0.50.0
azure-mgmt-web 0.35.0
azure-nspkg 3.0.2
azure-servicebus 0.21.1
azure-servicemanagement-legacy 0.20.6
azure-storage-blob 1.5.0
azure-storage-common 1.4.2
azure-storage-file 1.4.0
azure-storage-queue 1.4.0
Babel 2.8.0
backcall 0.1.0
backports.functools-lru-cache 1.6.1
backports.os 0.1.1
backports.shutil-get-terminal-size 1.0.0
backports.tempfile 1.0
backports.weakref 1.0.post1
beautifulsoup4 4.8.2
bitarray 1.2.1
bkcharts 0.2
bleach 3.1.0
bokeh 2.0.0
boto 2.49.0
Bottleneck 1.3.2
certifi 2019.11.28
cffi 1.14.0
chardet 3.0.4
Click 7.0
cloudpickle 1.3.0
clyent 1.2.2
colorama 0.4.3
conda 4.8.2
conda-build 3.18.11
conda-package-handling 1.6.0
conda-verify 3.4.2
constantly 15.1.0
contextlib2 0.6.0.post1
cryptography 2.8
cssselect 1.1.0
cycler 0.10.0
Cython 0.29.15
cytoolz 0.10.1
dask 2.12.0
decorator 4.4.2
defusedxml 0.6.0
dictmysql 0.6.8
distributed 2.12.0
docutils 0.16
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fastcache 1.1.0
filelock 3.0.12
Flask 1.1.1
Flask-Compress 1.4.0
Flask-SQLAlchemy 2.4.1
fsspec 0.6.2
future 0.18.2
gevent 1.4.0
glob2 0.7
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HeapDict 1.0.1
html5lib 1.0.1
hyperlink 19.0.0
hypothesis 5.5.4
idna 2.8
imageio 2.6.1
imagesize 1.2.0
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isort 4.3.21
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jeepney 0.4.2
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Js2Py 0.68
json5 0.9.1
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locket 0.2.0
logparser 0.8.2
lxml 4.5.0
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mccabe 0.6.1
mistune 0.8.4
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mkl-service 2.3.0
mock 4.0.1
more-itertools 8.2.0
mpmath 1.1.0
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msrest 0.6.11
msrestazure 0.6.2
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path 13.1.0
pathlib2 2.3.5
patsy 0.5.1
pep8 1.7.1
pexpect 4.8.0
pickleshare 0.7.5
Pillow 7.0.0
pip 20.0.2
pluggy 0.13.1
ply 3.11
prometheus-client 0.7.1
prompt-toolkit 3.0.3
Protego 0.1.16
psutil 5.7.0
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py 1.8.1
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pycodestyle 2.5.0
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PyDispatcher 2.0.5
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Pygments 2.5.2
PyHamcrest 2.0.2
pyjsparser 2.7.1
PyJWT 1.7.1
pylint 2.4.4
PyMySQL 0.9.3
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pyOpenSSL 19.1.0
pyparsing 2.4.6
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pytest-openfiles 0.4.0
pytest-remotedata 0.3.2
python-dateutil 2.8.1
pytz 2019.3
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PyYAML 5.3
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QtAwesome 0.6.1
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QtPy 1.9.0
queuelib 1.5.0
redis 3.4.1
requests 2.23.0
requests-oauthlib 1.3.0
rope 0.16.0
ruamel-yaml 0.15.87
scikit-image 0.16.2
scikit-learn 0.22.1
scipy 1.4.1
Scrapy 2.0.0
scrapyd 1.2.1
scrapydweb 1.4.0
seaborn 0.10.0
SecretStorage 3.1.2
Send2Trash 1.5.0
service-identity 18.1.0
setuptools 46.0.0.post20200309
simplegeneric 0.8.1
six 1.14.0
snowballstemmer 2.0.0
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terminado 0.8.3
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tornado 6.0.4
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urllib3 1.25.8
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Werkzeug 1.0.0
wheel 0.34.2
widgetsnbextension 3.5.1
wrapt 1.11.2
wurlitzer 2.0.0
xlrd 1.2.0
XlsxWriter 1.2.7
xlwt 1.3.0
xmltodict 0.12.0
zict 1.0.0
zipp 2.2.0
zope.interface 4.7.2
I install anaconda, scrapy, scrapyd on my ubuntu18.04, when i try to start scrapyd server, below error accured: