screenfreeze / deskcon-desktop

Integrates your Smartphone in your Desktop
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Python3 port / python2 shebangs and calls #12

Open olantwin opened 10 years ago

olantwin commented 10 years ago

Dear screenfreeze,

I'm currently working on a python3 branch, mainly as an experiment. If you are interested to include the changes in your upstream I'd be glad to help. I apologise if I overlooked a python2 dependency, that is not available for python3.

Regardless of whether you want to stick to 2.7.x or switch to 3.x, could you change the shebangs and python calls to the safer python2/3 or env python2/3 option? This would make the package easier to maintain.

I already changed these for my forked branch, and if you want I could implement the changes for the python2 version as well.

Thank you for this great app.

Kind regards.

screenfreeze commented 10 years ago

Hi, yes I want to switch to python 3 sometime and deskcon on Arch would be awsome, so thanks for your work. I will try to make it easy to port it over.

I change the shebangs in the next release.

olantwin commented 10 years ago

Thanks. So far there are still quite a few bugs when running the python3 branch. Some of the OpenSSL stuff seems to break, but I'm trying to fix that. Edit: Python3 string handling was responsible. It seems to work now.

What do you mean with deskcon on Arch? I'm using it on arch with gnome-shell and it's great! There is a nice AUR package already.

The AUR maintainer changes the shebangs in the PKGBUILD to make it work, if that's what you mean. Maybe link to the package in the readme. The AUR is how I discovered your program in the first place.