screetsec / TheFatRat

Thefatrat a massive exploiting tool : Easy tool to generate backdoor and easy tool to post exploitation attack like browser attack and etc . This tool compiles a malware with popular payload and then the compiled malware can be execute on windows, android, mac . The malware that created with this tool also have an ability to bypass most AV software protection .
GNU General Public License v3.0
9.39k stars 2.26k forks source link

Idea to change setup script #37

Closed peterpt closed 7 years ago

peterpt commented 7 years ago

Hi , i was looking into your script and i notice that on setup the script backs up the sources.list and create a new sources.list with kali repositories , and then do an apt-get update and install the tools . You should keep in mind that many people may have metasploit installed already in their system not by apt repositories . You should give an option on for user to select where does he have metasploit and its modules installed , instead doing all the current process . My system is a Devuan (non systemd) , kali sana is systemd , if i did not stop the script when was doing the update , then at this time i had my metasploit instalation on /opt/ messed up with old metasploit that your script was going to install from repositories , and this without even speaking on the incompatibility of devuan repo libraries with kali sana . Kali Sana repo does not update anymore metasploit-framework , only rolling repositories do that , so according to your script you are installing an old version of metasploit into user linux distro that will never be more updated using the repositories you applied . An idea is to install metasploit from git (witch envolves a more deeper approach) to user machine and setup your config script to open metasploit from there . Here it is how should be done from git : (it says kali wheezy the instructions , but is can be installed in any linux debian or debian forked distros , because the main libraries are available in those distros too) .

msvenom i dodn have it yet installed here , but i will install it manually , so i can not rely on apt updates , and i will give a look into your script .

You could use a "path.config" file , and setup all tools paths in that file 1 after another , then you could use "sed" to read the path from a tool and declare it as a variable . ex of "paths.config file :

" /opt/metasploit-framework/msfvenom /opt/backdoor-factory/"

on your script you can call sed to read the path of a tool and declare it as a variable , by this , instead using :

"backdoor-factory -f $embed -s $payload -H $yourip -P $yourport -o output/$"

you could use :
"$backdoor -f $embed -s $payload -H $yourip -P $yourport -o output/$"

This concept could be set to those people that have these tools installed from git instead apt . However these configurations should be set during your "" , and a possible choice could be given to user on setup like :

"Metaslpoit was not detected , press y to install it from repository , or press n to configure its path"

something like this , well , was just an idea .

peterpt commented 7 years ago

Got your tool running without the metasploit apt instalation and without backdoor -factory apt instalation . I installed both tools from git directly on my /opt/ directory . and then i set the variables for those tools on your scripts startup like :

msfvenom="ruby /opt/metasploit-framework/msfvenom" msfconsole="ruby /opt/metasploit-framework/msfconsole" backdoor="python2 /opt/backdoor-factory/"

then i had to change all your calls on these tools from your script by their variables .

example :

backdoor -> $backdoor msfvenom -> $msfvenom msfconsole -> $msfconsole

i also had to ignore some checks you make on script startup for those tools installed on system path , like it is on this next image .

i tested it now , and it is working perfectly .

Now that i know it is working fine , i will clone again your git to another directory here and will make the changes i told you before about setting up a config path file for these programs locations . I will upload then the changes to my github so you can check them out .

Thanks for this awesome tool ;)

screetsec commented 7 years ago

okay will be update thanks

peterpt commented 7 years ago

I had some issues in some statements in setup script that i have already solved , however until monday i should upload my changes to my github send send you the request to you check them out .

The way setup script runs and fatrat runs will be different . fatrat will only run after user execute the setup script first , so setup can apply the new paths configs for all pentest tools used in program in config file , no matter if they were already detected by autocheck or if must be installed .

This way your script can run with backdoor , searchexploit,metasploit if they were already installed by apt , or if user have those tools installed from git but was not detected on the path call you make on detection .

Give me until monday to check everything , and test it here on multiple OS .

screetsec commented 7 years ago

pull request and join to contributor

peterpt commented 7 years ago

well , my friend , i already updated the new script changes to my git and tested them on my machine . However i will test a fresh install from git tomorrow if any problem pops up . Check it out at :

Note : folder "setup" was deleted , and new setup script was moved to main directory .

New changes :

Notes 2 : some new adjustments could be made to text colors when user have to insert inputs paths .

Final note : give a look at it and check it for yourself , make some adjustments if you need it will be good to add it to your main repo .

In mean while i will test it here on a fresh machine and will let you know .

peterpt commented 7 years ago

Ok , i had to make some final fixes to the code of "fatrat" , "" & "" , i just have test it now on a clean distro (not kali) to check it out . added :

Everything is working perfectly . i commited all my changes to your repository .