screetsec / TheFatRat

Thefatrat a massive exploiting tool : Easy tool to generate backdoor and easy tool to post exploitation attack like browser attack and etc . This tool compiles a malware with popular payload and then the compiled malware can be execute on windows, android, mac . The malware that created with this tool also have an ability to bypass most AV software protection .
GNU General Public License v3.0
9.28k stars 2.24k forks source link

mingw-w64 & mingw32 skipped during installation + Workarounds guide for other problems with TheFatRat #578

Closed Morsmalleo closed 3 years ago

Morsmalleo commented 3 years ago

TheFatRat Installation & Workarounds guide

DISCLAIMER: These Workarounds have only been tested on Kali Linux 2020.4-vbox-amd64 & 2021.1-vbox-amd64 for Oracle Virtualbox

Follow the steps below to install TheFatRat

TIP: Use Gnome-terminal as it is way faster for TheFatRat than the Qterminal or Xterm

The following packages will fail to install

packages you need to install yourself/packages not included in TheFatRat setup

Follow the below workarounds to install the packages that didn't/won't install in the FatRat Setup

INSTALL FROM KALI REPO All packages below are to be installed from the Kali repo, so make sure any other repo that handles these packages have been marked with a # in the sources.list file located at /etc/apt/

Install aptitude first because you'll need it later

Install lib32z1

INSTALL FROM DEBIAN JESSIE REPO All packages below must be installed from the debian Jessie repo other wise it will not work properly, so make sure your kali repo's and other repo's have been marked out with #

Install lib32ncurses5 from debian Jessie

Install Python-dev for Kali Linux

No for the first solution No 1

No for the second solution no 2

No for the third solution No 3

Yes for the fourth solution then yes to confirm install and downgrade yes 4

Once you have done that type apt-cache policy python-dev and the output should be like the screenshot below python-dev installed at 2 7 9-1

You can follow the final edit below to be able to launch TheFatRat from your Whisker Applications Menu or your Desktop

HOW TO LAUNCH FATRAT FROM THE WHISKER MENU & FROM YOUR DESKTOP Once everything is installed and working properly, you can now edit the application launcher that was automatically installed to /usr/share/applications/ during TheFatRat setup, to launch fatrat from the Whisker Applications Menu.

To do this just follow the steps below; ⦁ Click on the Whisker Menu located in the top left-hand corner of the screen ⦁ In the search box type "TheFatRat" ⦁ Right click "TheFatRat" application ⦁ Click on "Edit Application"

A small window for editing the application will then pop up, once this has appeared there will be 4 boxes available to type in, They are labelled as such ~ Name ~ Comment ~ Command ~ Working Directory

*There will also be 2 check boxes and an Icon box, check boxes are labelled with a

In the Command box, remove the current command that is present, and then copy and paste one of the following command shown below.

FOR NON-ROOT gnome-terminal -t "TheFatRat 1.9.7" --geometry=600x630 -e "sudo fatrat" or gnome-terminal -t "TheFatRat 1.9.7" -e "sudo fatrat"

FOR ROOT gnome-terminal -t "TheFatRat 1.9.7" --geometry=600x630 -e "fatrat" or gnome-terminal -t "TheFatRat 1.9.7" -e "fatrat"

Then uncheck the "Run in terminal" box, leave everything else alone, and click save Then Open the Whisker applications menu, type FatRat and click on the launcher, FatRat will now launch from the applications Menu and from your desktop.

peterpt commented 3 years ago

You see , that will not fix the problem because if you look into the code here at line 522 :

We already added the jessie repository , the problem is that user already have a more recent version installed and it needs to uninstalled to install this one from jessie . But then you will have a new problem ahead , witch is when user returns to his original repositories and after doing apt-get upgrade , i will update that mingw version needed for fatrat , and then they will come here again posting an issue because it was updated and they did not notice , that point is when they tell that they are unable to create a backdoor with fudwin . The best way to solve this is to remove fudwin from fatrat , this way it will avoid all problems with mingw . Only noobs without any knowledge in linux come here with issues about installing packages , by default those people who installed kali and think they are already an hacker , and they want to make a backdoor to infect someone they know just to prove they are hackers . This tool was not made with those purposes .

Morsmalleo commented 3 years ago

I have run ./ without any versions of mingw installed and it just keeps skipping the installation, everytime, I have run sudo apt-get remove --purge *mingw* && sudo apt-get autoremove -y multiple times, to the point where its told me that it is not Installed so its not removed about 30 times, but TheFatRat just skips the installation process of mingw altogether during setup, so therefore I had to add the Jessie repository to my sources.list and install mingw via sudo apt-get install *mingw* I will post photos below so you know what I mean, all other fixes above are what TheFatRat tells you to do if a package hasn't installed, I've just added more detail about how to do it

Morsmalleo commented 3 years ago

Ok @peterpt as you can see in the screenshots, I have no installations of mingw at all, I purged mingw from my Kali completely and took the screenshots to show you what happens when TheFatRat tries to install mingw.

PS: Yes I already knew that you guys had added the debian jessie repository for TheFatRat, but these problems still arise even when I've removed fudwin from TheFatRat

As you can see from the 2 screenshots below, I have no mingw installation at all, TheFatRat *mingw* installation skip problem TheFatRat *mingw* installation skip problem 2

this is what happens with mingw during TheFatRat setup (./ Mingw installation skipped MINGW SKIPED

as you can see it completely skips the installation of mingw altogether, no matter how many times you run sudo apt-get remove --purge *mingw* && sudo apt-get autoremove -y and no matter how many times you run sudo ./ it just keeps on skipping the installation of mingw altogether, hence why I posted these fixes above, because they seem to be the only thing that fixes these problems, however I suppose they really aren't fixes, I suppose they're just workarounds, but whatever they may be called, using these workarounds I posted above allows me to use TheFatRat without any errors whatsoever, everything on TheFatRat works after using all these workarounds, backdoors are created fine without errors, everything works.

as you can see from the screenshots below, adding the jessie repo to my sources.list file in /etc/apt/ and running sudo apt-get update to activate the jessie repo, and running sudo apt-get install *mingw* it installs the necessary versions of mingw needed for TheFatRat and after running sudo ./chk_tools everything appears fine and setup from there is a breeze, after setup is finished, everything for TheFatRat works fine, i have literally spent countless hours testing these workarounds, and everything on TheFatRat works after using these workarounds mingw manual mingw manual 2 mingw manual 3 mingw 4

UPDATE: Powerstager doesn't seem to want to work inside TheFatRat for me anymore, however using it outside TheFatRat inside /TheFatRat/tools/ folder and running python3 with arguments/information (not sure if those are the right words for it) added such as LHOST, LPORT, URL, PAYLOAD, etc, works, I tried running it with python but it doesn't work neither with python2, so everything except POWETSTAGER works INSIDE of TheFatRat

UPDATE 2: Powerstager now works, the problem was that 'names' was not installed with sudo, so I ran pip uninstall names && sudo pip install names and it worked

Still cannot for the life of me figure out why mingw keeps getting skipped during setup #

peterpt commented 3 years ago

just to prove you are wrong about mingw , and at same time how to prevent mingw updates to avoid issues in fudwin option in fatrat .

I made this video specifically for you , but thanks for helping others around here .

Morsmalleo commented 3 years ago

@peterpt This should explain the problem I am having with mingw being skipped everytime I run insideTheFatRat folder the only way I can get around this is by adding the debian jessie repo to my sources.list and installing mingw32 and mingw-w64 from the terminal with apt-get install mingw32 mingw-w64 and then stopping any upgrades for them by typing in my terminal sudo apt-mark hold *mingw, hence why I thought it was a good idea to post those workarounds shown above

peterpt commented 3 years ago

inside fatrat folder over a terminal write these commands : rm && wget && chmod +x && ./

and let me know if the problem continues .

Morsmalleo commented 3 years ago

Problem with the new file, ran the commands you told me to, multiple times just to confirm, I keep getting the error, ./ 8: Syntax error: newline unexpected

Screenshot below

Not Working

peterpt commented 3 years ago

oopppss , my bad . use this link instead with wget command :

peterpt commented 3 years ago

if you do this after i wrote this message then check in logs folder inside fatrat and upload here the file aptdebug.log if you still have the same issue installing mingw from jessie repository

Morsmalleo commented 3 years ago

@peterpt Problem with Mingw-w64 and Mingw-32 being skipped during the setup of TheFatRat is still persisting, along with the same packages listed in my workarounds above, still being skipped as well. The same problem for the packages Mingw32, Mingw-w64, Jarsigner, Python-dev, Python-pip, lib32z1, lib32ncurses5 & names all being skipped during setup, still persists. Screenshot below for more details

screenshot was taken after running the following commands in a terminal over TheFatRat folder sudo rm && sudo wget && sudo chmod +x && sudo ./

Still not working with the same packages

Still having to refer to my list of workarounds posted above.

aptdebug.log results as requested, in screenshot below aptdebug log It looks like there's a problem with the version of default-jdk & default-jre I have installed so i ran the following commands below in a terminal

sudo apt-get remove --purge default-jdk default-jre && sudo apt-get autoremove -y sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get clean cache && cd /Pentesting/RATS/TheFatRat/ && sudo ./

during setup the same problems happen as before Jarsigner, lib32z1, lib32ncurses5, names, Mingw-w64, Mingw32, & Python-dev skipped during setup

aptdebug.log after setup attempt 2 in screenshot below aptdebug2

to fix these problems I had to refer to my workarounds by using sudo apt-get install aptitude default-jdk defalut-jre lib32z1 then Deactivating my Kali repo by marking it with a #, and then activating my Jessie repo, by removing the #, then running sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install lib32ncurses && sudo aptitude install python-dev (when prompted) n=no (when prompted again) y=yes then with the jessie repo still active sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get clean cache && sudo apt-get install *mingw* and the problems are fixed, so I'm not sure whats happening for these skips to happen during setup

peterpt commented 3 years ago

ok , it looks that default-jdk & jre must be installed using kali and not jessie repository , this is easy to fix in setup . I need to make some changes in to know if mingw is hanged by the java installation . I will let you know when i do them .

Morsmalleo commented 3 years ago

@peterpt ok no problem

Morsmalleo commented 3 years ago

@peterpt Issue with mingw being skipped during installation even after the Jessie debug you added to

peterpt commented 3 years ago

I already made the changes here (my computer) in setup but i did not yet had time to upload it to github , right now i am on windows , when i boot into linux i will upload the file . Best luck will be next weekend , lots of stuff to do here .

peterpt commented 3 years ago

i already uploaded the new setup script , make sure you download the new version before executing it . This version will only install mingw from jessie repo , all other packages are or from original repositories or from kali .

Morsmalleo commented 3 years ago

@peterpt I will test it and get back to you, haven't had a lot of time to test the new, but will let you know the outcome as soon as I have

Morsmalleo commented 3 years ago

@peterpt mingw32 and mingw-w64 skip with Kali Linux is still present, it does however install default-jdk for me now but the skip happening with mingw32 and mingw-w64 is still present

peterpt commented 3 years ago

i need the aptdebug.log

Morsmalleo commented 3 years ago

i need the aptdebug.log

I will upload ASAP

Morsmalleo commented 3 years ago

OK @peterpt sorry it took me so long to get back to you on this, so yes the mingw skip as seen in the video above in the previous discussion comments, is still happening, even on the new Kali Linux 20201.1 amd64 release for virtualbox.

peterpt commented 3 years ago

just upload aptdebug.log file here , dont put print screens

Morsmalleo commented 3 years ago

In that case the aptdebug.log displays the following

Ign 1: deb Jessie InRelease Get 2: deb Jessie Release [77.3 kB] Get 3: deb Jessie Release.gpg [1,652 B] Get 4: deb Jessie/main amd64 Packages [6,818 kB] Get 5: deb Jessie/main Translation-en [6,581 kB] Get 6: deb Jessie/main amd64 Contents (deb) [27.3 MB] Get 7: deb Jessie/contrib amd64 Packages [49.8 kB] Get 8: deb Jessie/contrib Translation-en [38.3 kB] Get 9: deb Jessie/contrib amd64 Contents (deb) [88.2 kB] Get 10: deb Jessie/non-free amd64 Packages [83.2 kB] Get 11: deb Jessie/non-free Translation-en [72.0 kB] Get 12: deb Jessie/non-free amd64 Contents (deb) [780 kB] Fetched 39.9 MB in 28s [1,402 kB/s] Reading package lists...

peterpt commented 3 years ago

well , i am buildind a kali 2021 VM to check what is happening because with those logs i am unable to anything . I will let you know when i get some results .

peterpt commented 3 years ago

well . it looks you were right , it seems that pushing *mingw* to apt will conflict with actual installed packages not directly connected to mingw . This happened because this mingw version is an old version , and libc6 is pretty recent . I believe i found a way to get this working , i am testing it out and i will update the repository as soon and i get it fixed .

peterpt commented 3 years ago

Ok , everything should work fine now . Just clone the new git and remove your old fatrat folder

Morsmalleo commented 3 years ago

Ok thanks @peterpt testing now

Morsmalleo commented 3 years ago

@peterpt problem with mingw being skipped completely, has been fixed :) cheers mate, you're a legend

sinbad08 commented 2 years ago

@peterpt , @Morsmalleo i have the same problem how can i fix it . PS:im kinda new to linux .

peterpt commented 2 years ago

Delete your current version of fatrat and clone it again , i made a few fixes in setup to correct debian jessie repository key missing . Follow the new instructions in readme file before running setup .

If you have any issues then create a new topic , this one will be locked