scribe-org / Scribe-iOS

iOS app with keyboards for language learners
GNU General Public License v3.0
128 stars 78 forks source link

Show case after verb is typed #81

Open andrewtavis opened 2 years ago

andrewtavis commented 2 years ago



It would be helpful if Scribe would show users what case follows a verb in the same way that it shows which case follows a preposition. So for German a user would type a conjugation of a verb, and then after pressing space the case would be shown. This issue would also include adding a function where a user could select the verb and press the Scribe button to see the case.

andrewtavis commented 2 years ago

Adding prepositions that follow a verb would also be helpful, but should likely be made into its own issue like scribe-org/Scribe-iOS#86.