scribu / wp-posts-to-posts

Efficient many-to-many connections between posts, pages, custom post types, users.
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Admin Columns Notice #561

Open christianmagill opened 6 years ago

christianmagill commented 6 years ago

Using the following settings:

p2p_register_connection_type( array(
   'name'         => 'events_to_events',
   'from'         => 'event',
   'to'           => 'event',
   'admin_column' => 'any',
   'admin_dropdown' => 'to',
   'cardinality' => 'one-to-many',
) );

I receive the following notices when trying to filter by an event in the admin.

Notice: Array to string conversion in .../wp-admin/edit.php on line 261 and 352

christianmagill commented 6 years ago

Additionally, once I delete an element on the filtered screen I receive...

Warning: Illegal offset type in ../wp-admin/edit.php on line 327