scribu / wp-posts-to-posts

Efficient many-to-many connections between posts, pages, custom post types, users.
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Updating Taxonomies / Categories of Connected Posts #571

Open scottwvw opened 4 years ago

scottwvw commented 4 years ago

I'm new to this plugin, so forgive me if I've missed something in the documentation!

I have 2 Custom Post Types I want to connect.

For each connection, I want to be able to add a Tag from a Custom Category.


Custon Post Type 1 = Movie Custon Post Type 2 = Person Custom Category = Role (i.e. Actor / Director)

So, if I were to create a Movie post, I would like to be able to connect a Person to it (simple).

Then I would like to add their individual Role to the connection (i.e. Director / Actor), either if the Tag already exists, or if a new one needs to be created.

This would update the Movie's and Person's Tags on their respective Posts.

Is this possible?

Thanks for the help!