scribusproject / scribus-translations

Translations for Scribus (backup of Transifex)
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Automated notification to devs when translations have been added and/or reached 100% #11

Open luzpaz opened 7 years ago

luzpaz commented 7 years ago

Is there a way to receive reports when activity on Transifex has occurred? There is but that IIRC is only available via http. There is a statistics API call in but nothing that I can see will report when a translator completes a language.

luzpaz commented 7 years ago

Answer has something to do with

gyuris commented 7 years ago

@luzpaz, what exactly would you like to see? Where?

With 1st feature we can provide a script to process the answer: curl -i -L --user USERNAME:PASSWORD -X GET

"el": {
        "reviewed_percentage": "0%", 
        "completed": "52%", 
        "untranslated_words": 16901, 
        "last_commiter": "cbradney", 
        "reviewed": 0, 
        "translated_entities": 4011, 
        "translated_words": 12150, 
        "last_update": "2016-12-21 22:16:38", 
        "untranslated_entities": 3687

2nd feature can we add to some webpage.

luzpaz commented 7 years ago

Interesting clip on how to work with transifex API requests

luzpaz commented 7 years ago

2nd feature can we add to some webpage.

I think if we can pull stats from transifex then generate a template like: which looks like: qgis-about-translators and we can put it on the website and perhaps in the Scribus 'About' dialog #14524