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Subtitles on screencasts #27

Open adukugideon opened 7 years ago

adukugideon commented 7 years ago

It would be great if subtitle support is included for people who find videos a bit fast to follow or those who may have hearing problems. It could be in English for starters, multi language support can be added later. I know there are people who can even translate for free.

somebee commented 7 years ago

Definitely something we want to support down the road :) Right now it's difficult to say when we will be able to implement this (we have a pretty big backlog). Do you know of any tools / services that could help us bring this to fruition faster?

adukugideon commented 7 years ago

Hello, I can make some suggestions once I know the kind of framework/technology scrimba is built on. I would be more than happy to contribute. :)

eladcandroid commented 6 years ago

You can try to auto generate subtitles using this cli:

jweath commented 5 years ago

This is absolutely essential for adoption by large educational institutions—would love to adopt in multiple courses at UGA, but can't due to accessibility requirements. 🙏🙏🙏

eladcandroid commented 5 years ago

Any update?

perborgen commented 5 years ago

Hi, we don't have the resources to fix this at the moment.

Daliborkozar commented 4 years ago

I agree scrimba need to implement captions

matheusfillipe commented 4 years ago

Oh I thought this was already implemented... :( Just came here looking for a way to do this. I was willing to help translating the excellent to my mother language pt_BR to help a friend.

This is a total must have.

jweath commented 4 years ago

Just reiterating how hugely important this is. I and many colleagues would love love love to use Scrimba in our teaching, but we can't due to accessibility requirements. Thanks for adding the feedback @matheusfillipe !

perborgen commented 4 years ago

We're seeing more and more of this feature request, so it's definitely something we'll add at some point. There's no doubt we need it, but the question is prioritization, given technical resource constrains.

rahuldevs commented 4 years ago

I need subtitle to understand properly. Please add a subtitle as soon as possible.

MrChriZ commented 4 years ago

It would also be useful if you're working in a very noisy or very quiet environment and you don't happen to have a pair of headphones available!

sselvaggi commented 4 years ago

Hello, I'd like to contribute with this an other features. I think It also could be interesting to define how like subtitles should show up: centred near to the bottom of the screen? over the current content with white letters over gray semi-transparent background? ... or over a black collapsable bar above the video controls bar? should the text be autogenerated by voice recognition? ... should exist a feature to edit textfiles to allow emojis, keyboard's key icons like [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [P] ? hh:mm:ss Welcome to the 1st episode of frontend course 😃

gianfaye commented 4 years ago

Hello, I've purchased the Frontend Developer career path for my sister but we find it a bit challenging without the subtitles. I'm working while she's watching the videos and she has it on low volume so I'm not distracted. I hope you prioritize this feature. Thank you!

holdenmad commented 4 years ago

This is a basic accessibility feature, and I hope you make this a high priority not just for people with hearing difficulties, but also for non-native speakers who need language support and people with learning difficulties who benefit from the focus.

annejsize commented 4 years ago

Hope to see this feature soon - I jumped in to enroll only to find out there aren't captioning available. I'm deaf so they are pretty important.

andygowrley commented 3 years ago

I came here to suggest/ask for this after recently starting to use. I am a Native English speaker but find it so important to have subtitles when in various situations. While it would be a lesser substitute, a script of the video, in the sub menu to the right would be useful possibly?

jotaalessandra commented 3 years ago

Plzzz add subtitles!!! i want to buy it, but it's very dificult to understand without subtitles! Unless in English ><'

esteladiaz commented 3 years ago

Subtitles would be greatly appreciated 🙏 also just enrolled in a course and their absence is making it really hard for me to follow along.

erileff commented 3 years ago

I would really, really love subtitles. Sometimes I want to practice coding and can't have audio playing/headphones aren't working/etc. I'd love the ability to at least have a transcript or something so I can do this without needing to listen!

Pistus commented 3 years ago

We appreciate the feedback on this feature - we want to add it and it makes total sense for everyone - but there are some challenges and things we need to add first so it will still take some time.

ranaharoon3222 commented 3 years ago

Please add subtitle so i can understand some voices properly!!!!

retronauta commented 3 years ago

you can use the live caption that google chrome incorporates. It works relatively well. image

perborgen commented 3 years ago

Hey all!

We recommend that you use Chrome's auto screen capturing if you need subtitles on Scrimba. Here's a video of how to do it: