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The mini-browser does not automatically update when watching screencasts #549

Open robertegelund opened 3 years ago

robertegelund commented 3 years ago

Here is an example of a screencast where the user must manually update the mini-browser to see the content, and thereby make the screencast stop several times during a walkthrough

simmoe commented 3 years ago

have the same issue - anything we can write manually in the .js section or any other quickfix?

-makes my lessons close to unusable - i.e.

Pistus commented 3 years ago

Hi Simon, the issue here is that chart.js uses the Canvas element and api´s which our video format does not support yet - so those dom elements are not recorded and thus not played back, but are rendered when running the actual code. So for now the only fix is to not use chart.js or make a fallback that displays (which sounds like a lot of extra work).

simmoe commented 3 years ago

ah, I see. And of course I can imagine that part of the videos might produce some challenges. Tnx