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Some missing escort quests #27

Open Schmoozerd opened 11 years ago

Schmoozerd commented 11 years ago

If somebody is interested, escort quests are usually relatively easy to implement. Here is a list of some that might be missing:

ghost commented 10 years ago

I found some information on 10310 here:

I don't know the new table name mapping for script_waypoint.

But if somebody wants to take a look it might offer a starting point. I'm still new to the C++ side of things.

xfurry commented 10 years ago

@zharvek if you can confirm that the oregon core script is correct and has all the required details I think we can port this to SD2 pretty easy.

PS. I can see that the list is getting smaller. I trust that we can manage to implement all of them in a reasonable amount of time. :+1:

Schmoozerd commented 10 years ago

This list might also proof usefull in catching up to more missing:

xfurry commented 10 years ago

@zharvek I think this patch should do the job: but there are a couple of details which I'm not happy with. Such as the fire gameobjects and spells.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Thanks, I'm on a business trip at the moment but when I return I'll give this a shot and let you know how it turns out. I'm not exactly sure how this should run on live though. Might need a real test to verify it really is correct.

On 2013-09-09 9:04, Xfurry wrote:

@zharvek [1] I think this patch should do the job: [2] but there are a couple of details which I'm not happy with. Such as the fire gameobjects and spells.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub [3].


[1] [2] [3]

cala commented 10 years ago

I think the escort quests 5821 and 5943 should be handled together. I did them once or twice loooong ago and I had to do a bit of research about them.

They take place in Desolace, several NPCs (two gobelins and a kodo caravan) follow a waypoint path back and forth across Desolace. At each end of the waypoint path, they wait for 10 min. Then they start moving again along the path.

The waypoint path should already be in DB and I can gather more elements later.

xfurry commented 10 years ago

Poke @Rog360, @grz3s, @Neatelves: Would you be able to provide the correct spawn locations for NPC used for quest 11085? There are 3 locations in which this one appears, and it seems to be random.

So far I have

DELETE FROM creature WHERE id IN (23383);
INSERT INTO creature (id,map,spawnMask,phaseMask,modelid,equipment_id,position_x,position_y,position_z,orientation,spawntimesecs,spawndist,currentwaypoint,curhealth,curmana,DeathState,MovementType) VALUES
(23383, 530, 1, 1, 0, 0, -4106.64, 3029.76, 344.877, 0.820305, 60, 0, 0, 6986, 0, 0, 0),
(23383, 530, 1, 1, 0, 0, -3712.91, 3802.86, 302.928, 1.580229, 60, 0, 0, 6986, 0, 0, 0), -- guesswork!
(23383, 530, 1, 1, 0, 0, -3655.85, 3380.96, 312.994, 0.146884, 60, 0, 0, 6986, 0, 0, 0); -- guesswork!

but only the first spawn from PSMDB is correct. The other 2 are guessed based on vids and comments.

Also GO 185952 is linked to this npc, because he needs to be placed inside a cage.


Rog360 commented 10 years ago

Sorry xfurry, I haven't any official data on this npc... :(

Grz3s commented 10 years ago

hi... got some info about your first quest: So... quest is simmilar to one in Darkshore.... (almost identical).. The Sleeper Has Awakened - q.5321 ... npc will follow u. Just small info: she does random texts ... when she walks away from u: Are we taking the scenic route? Oh, what a beautiful flower over there... Are you sure this is the right way? Maybe we should go this way instead... Hmmm, I wonder what's over this way?"

And when after using item she comes back to us also we have random texts from her: This is quite an adventure! Oh, I wandered off again. I'm sorry. The bell again, such a sweet sound.

BTW pls don't forget to add " %s begins to Wander off." <-- when she start walk away

I could put here all details about it ..but vid ..will be better i think ;) <--- from 2:56 whole q.


TheTrueAnimal commented 9 years ago

Found a video which shows how 5821 work:

Rushor commented 9 years ago

are there more escortquests missing? i think we could check this list: :D

xfurry commented 9 years ago

are there more escortquests missing?

I don't think so. Only a bunch of them are left, mostly from 3.x or very old and complicated.

xfurry commented 8 years ago

Only 3 quests left as far as I know. Feel free to amend the list if required.

cala commented 8 years ago

The first two are related and already discussed in #102 I intend to script them both in a near future.

xfurry commented 8 years ago

Thanks @cala that would help a lot. For the third one, I think I can ask @Grz3s