scripting / a8c-FeedLand-Support

A public repo for discussing FeedLand at A8C.
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Subscribe bookmarklet #31

Open scripting opened 10 months ago

scripting commented 10 months ago

One more thing and then I'm done for the day...

Here's a test version of the bookmarklet for subscribing.

Click the link. You should get a page where you can drag a Subscribe bookmarklet into the browser chrome, and then when you're on a page you want to subscribe to, you can click it and it should take you to, ready to subscribe to the feed, with a caveat.

Caveat: Only if it has a <link> element saying where the feed it.

We are aware there are other methods to find the link to the feed, we will add them later, first we have to get this flow working.

Also before putting this in the product, I'm going to move it to a separate domain served via HTTPS, as part of this release, and will also update the linkblogging bookmarklet.

scripting commented 10 months ago

I'm finished with this feature for now. This is what the Tools menu looks like now.


There are now two bookmarklets, the first one is for linkblogging and the second one is for Subscribing (the new feature).

I've also straightened out the web app that the bookmarklets go through, it used to be on, now there's a new subdomain -- Having it not hard-wired to a specific location on my blog server is probably a good thing to avoid future breakage. ;-)

cagrimmett commented 10 months ago

I’m loving the subscribe bookmarklet! I owe you patterns for situations where the is not available.

Here is the NetNewsWire feed finder I mentioned in our call:

Patterns I know off the top of my head:

cagrimmett commented 10 months ago

One other idea I had from - Check out the Feed column in that list. It has a lot of the common patterns listed there.

I did a quick summary, and here are all of the patterns with more than 20 blogs in the list of 3633 with the same feed path:

scripting commented 10 months ago

That’s really smart. I’m going to make this a node package, and when I do, we can’t tell the story about how we used the indieblog site to help.

cagrimmett commented 10 months ago

Another idea. You could export the list of every feedURL in FeedLand and analyze those patterns, too. If you dump the list, I'm happy to do the analysis. I think is better than because of the larger sample size.

scripting commented 10 months ago


scripting commented 10 months ago

Here you go.

cagrimmett commented 10 months ago

Okay, here are the top raw numbers from FeedLand:

cagrimmett commented 10 months ago

Combined, here are the most common patterns, grouped for easy reading:

/feed /feed.xml /feed.rss /feed/feed.xml /feeds/posts/default /feeds/all.atom.xml /feeds/videos.xml /feed/atom /feed.atom /feed/podcast /feed/rss /feed/rss.xml /feed/[blogname] (for Medium, from ->

/blog /blog/feed /blog/rss /blog.rss /blog/feed.xml /blog/index.xml /blog/atom.xml /blog/rss.xml /blog-feed.xml

/rss /rss.xml /rss.php /rss/index.xml /RSSFeed.aspx

/index.xml /index.rss

/posts/index.xml /atom.xml /news/feed /bridge01 /?format=rss

If we check all of these, I suspect that we'll cover 95% of the sites on the internet with feeds.