scripting / feedBase

A project to get feeds into a base.
MIT License
33 stars 3 forks source link

Wednesday work #16

Open scripting opened 6 years ago

scripting commented 6 years ago

Good morning!

First, thanks to all the Scripting News people who showed up to test yesterday.


Found some big problems and fixed them. That's one of the most important lessons of development and testing. The person who writes the software develops habits. The things that he or she does will get debugged. But if you give people general instructions like Upload your OPML file (you figure out how to do it) they might do it a different way and uncover a bug. Which is exactly what happened. Bug fixed, and that's why we do testing. To find and fix bugs.

I spotted several problems myself yesterday, as I viewed it through new eyes.

  1. The page isn't properly aligned on an iPad screen. I haven't tested it on a phone-sized screen yet, I predict it's got problems.

  2. The links under the orange RSS icon next to each feed (rightmost column) were all broken. This was caused by a last-minute change I made to the database, changing feedurl to feedUrl. JavaScript is case-sensitive. (Fixed this one.)

What's next

I'm going to keep reviewing the code and docs looking for problems. I don't want to add new features for a bit of time, I want to get a stable platform. I may add more API calls.

If you're the type of person who runs server software, and feel adventurous, please try installing feedBase on your system. I've included information about how to set up the database, as well as actual MySQL commands to do so. There's also an example config.json file. Both are linked into the readme on this Github repository.

Personal note

I have an eye infection. This is a new thing for me since I started wearing contact lenses a year ago. This means I have to try to get along wearing glasses for a few days. My eyesight is terrible. Writing is kind of an adventure! So it may be slow going here for me, for the next few days until (hopefully) the infection clears up and I can resume life as a normally sighted person.

But please, stay with feedBase. I think this is an important project for all of us. Getting a handle on feeds is part of getting things going again after the disappearance of Google Reader.