scripting / feedlandInstall

Instructions for setting up a FeedLand server.
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 1 forks source link

How's it going? #5

Open scripting opened 1 year ago

scripting commented 1 year ago

Just checking in.

Have you installed FeedLand?

Any questions? Issues?

I'm here to fix bugs, solve problems, improve docs, etc.

Anxiously awaiting news? ;-)

scotthansonde commented 1 year ago

I've been running a local instance (in a virtual machine on my Synology NAS) for myself for about 10 days. At first I used SES for email, but after SMTP support was released I switched to SMTP through my Gmail account. I'm using pm2 (similar to forever) to manage the node process, so it runs without keeping a console open. I've now started forwarding Port 80 from my router and setup a DNS entry so I can access the instance when I am away from home. I'm using Caddy as a reverse proxy, currently only Port 80, but I'll switch to Port 443 when HTTPS support is ready.

scripting commented 1 year ago

@scotthansonde --

thanks for the update! :-)

troutcolor commented 1 year ago

I've got Feedland running on my Raspberry Pi. Using SMTP through my Gmail account. I start it using screen, which will keep it running after I log out. I've got a domain running (I use zoneedit to run dynamic dns as my ip address changes) opened port 1452 then, tonight, opened 1462 for ws: which got rid of some Javascript errors. The trickiest stuff for me was getting to the point I could install FeedLand and the dns. So not to do with FeedLand. I've got some vague plans for trying out more reliable hardware, but my next step will be to look as S3 I've set that up but not hooked it up yet.

voitto commented 1 year ago

I got a new domain name 🙌🏼 and will build a server this weekend

scripting commented 1 year ago

@voitto — excellent.

gwthompson commented 1 year ago

I am finally able to come up for air to play with the Feedland Installer. I have installed it on a local Raspberry Pi using dynamic dns from Namecheap where I park domains and am using gmail for my smtp server. I am using forever to run it but still need to set it up so Feedland automatically restarts if my Pi reboots.

I also had to learn how to do port forwarding in my xFinity router! 😀

This is so cool! 😀

Now to start playing and digging with my fractional horsepower server!

If anyone is interested my instance is here:

I'm really excited about the potential of Feedlands everywhere!