scripting / feedlandSupport

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Tuesday updates -- starting with the MORE buttons #34

Open scripting opened 2 years ago

scripting commented 2 years ago

MORE button not displaying in news product rivers.

Fixed a bug where the MORE button wouldn't display in news product rivers.

It's a long story, but it requires a little cooperation from the shell to get the MORE buttons to work properly, because it takes a few cycles for the scrollHeight property of objects to be set. The riverClient shell wasn't doing the cooperating. (This is the newest code in FL, so it's to be expected.)

Permalink times are not updating

While I was there I noticed another problem. The permalink attribute of river items is supposed to be updated in realtime, but that isn't happening either.


Again, this requires an external hookup that the river client wasn't doing, now it does, so after a minute the permalink attribute will update.

scripting commented 2 years ago

Did some work on the feed pubDate display in a news section.


Previously it would have said 10:11:11AM; Aug 23 -- which I found incredibly hard to parse (in my brain, not in software). This is a more natural way.

gwthompson commented 2 years ago

The MORE buttons and pubDate display look great in both Chrome and Safari on my Mac. They also look great on my iPhone Mini! :)

scripting commented 2 years ago

Lots more tuneups in the river display, most of them will flow through to your rivers.

Next up -- I'm going to start disabling buttons that won't make it into the initial release.

The Like button in news products is one of em. They can come back once the product is public, but they depend on the user being logged on to the server. And for now that's just the test group.

I'm also going to temporarily remove the recycle icon. I could implement it now, but -- there's too many other moving parts at this time to go down that path. First let's try to get what we have now working smoothly and in a maintainable way.

A new addition to the button group is the </> icon. If you click it, it'll tell you what it does and what to do. It's going to be a pretty important debugging aid, when something isn't displaying right. It has all the info we have about the news object, displayed in JSON.

Another change -- the MORE button used to come into play at 250 vertical pixels. I thought this was too much so I changed it to 150. I like this much better.

You can see the model I've been working with in the new MLB River.

scripting commented 2 years ago

Also this came up in a conversation with @akaKenSmith -- the enclosure button, which remains, is implemented.

If the item has an enclosure, it will play it or display it. Some pubs for some weird reason unknown to me link images to the enclosure. I'm thinking of excluding those.

If an item has an enclosure the icon is enabled (dark). If it doesn't the icon is disabled.

scripting commented 2 years ago

@gwthompson -- thanks for the confirmation. Keep on truckin!

PS try the Data button next.

gwthompson commented 2 years ago

@scripting -- I just did and that is very cool! It was interesting to see one of Ken's posts in the console where it showed the different paragraphs with their permanent links that he added during the day.

scripting commented 2 years ago

@gwthompson -- I don't understand, but maybe I don't have to? :-)

scripting commented 2 years ago

New feature -- tool tip on the feed pubdate display. I'm going to put these on all the elements in the river display.

akaKenSmith commented 2 years ago

@scripting -- I just did and that is very cool! It was interesting to see one of Ken's posts in the console where it showed the different paragraphs with their permanent links that he added during the day.

I worked on a long draft today about a Facebook meme on Hannah Arendt but never published it, and I eventually pasted it into a different outline and removed it from the blog outline. Does that mean it was visible somewhere as I was working on it in the blog outline?

gwthompson commented 2 years ago

@akaKenSmith -- No. It was a blog post of you published yesterday that I was checking out using the new debug tool.

Screen Shot 2022-08-23 at 6 11 08 PM

scripting commented 2 years ago

What you guys are getting a look at is how the FeedLand database stores posts published by Old School, which is a static blog generator that's designed to work with Drummer, which is how @akaKenSmith writes his blog.

Here's another example, of a post from the NYT -- looks different in some ways but has some common elements. They do not use an outliner-based CMS, obviously.

scripting commented 2 years ago

@gwthompson -- the entire API is built around passing these kinds of objects around. This is the machine language of FeedLand. It's a lot like RSS, obviously. :smile:

scripting commented 2 years ago

@akaKenSmith -- the thing that happened today is I gave you a way to find out what the data is behind any post in a river.

There's a new icon. It's the same icon we use in Drummer to see the source code behind the text in an outline. I thought the idea would translate. It explains itself and it's harmless Ken.

gwthompson commented 2 years ago

@scripting -- Very cool! So once Feedland and the News Products are on solid ground (which seems to be getting closer everyday) will these APIs or a subset be exposed to us API junkies? 😄

scripting commented 2 years ago

@gwthompson -- i never under any circumstances commit to anything that hasn't already shipped, and even then there are no guarantees. that's just how software development works.