scripting / feedlandTesting

A private repo for testing new FeedLand features
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Next experiment: Jumping out of the plane #4

Open scripting opened 1 year ago

scripting commented 1 year ago

Okay, in the first two experiments we were checking our equipment, and testing the plane, this time we jump out of the plane and see if we can fly. Unlike a real-world plane we should be able to easily get back to safety if things don't work out.

What are we going to do?

Having established an email address as another way to identify your account, we're going to sign off Twitter and see if everything still works.

What you didn't know is that all the time, over the last two weeks, all your requests have been going to the server not only with your twitter credentials, but also with your email credentials.

And not only that, over the last couple of days the client software, the stuff that runs in the browser, has been adapted to turn an email address into a screen name, so everything should still work.

The steps

  1. Do a hard reload. The version number in the upper right corner of the screen should be v0.4.11.

  2. Be sure you've done the previous two steps. No harm will come if you haven't, but this experiment can't work unless you have.

  3. In the System menu, the one at the top right corner of the screen, take a deep breath and choose Sign off Twitter.

  4. Immediately the name above the menu should change to your email address, indicating that is how you are signed on. You have to watch for it, you might not even see it, it happens so fast.

  5. That's it. The setup for the experiment is done. In the next section I'll list some of the things you should try.

How to test

These are just ideas of how to explore the product, looking for trouble! :smile:

  1. Open the Subscription log, check a box, uncheck a box. Click a link to a feed title to see its Feed Info page. Choose View as river from the Views menu.

  2. Create a new post on your personal feed. Edit the post by clicking on its text, save the change.

  3. View my feed list. Uncheck a feed, check a feed.

  4. Click on orange XML icons whenever you see them.

  5. Look at Recent users. Click on names to see their subscription lists. Subscribe to a feed, unsub. Expand an item to see the recent articles.

How to get back on safe ground

If you encounter too many problems and want to revert to the old way, just choose Sign on Twitter from the System menu, and everything should work as before.

troutcolor commented 1 year ago

Hi Dave, I've gently poked most of these suggestions and clicked around a bit. Everything seems to be working as expected so far:-)

scripting commented 1 year ago

I've found some things that don't work.

  1. Anything depending on Settings, like categories and the Settings command in the System menu. The data is there, it's just not finding it because it depended on Twitter identity. It's a simple fix, but one I want to give some thought to.
scripting commented 1 year ago

I think I have the problems worked out in settings and categories

When you get a chance, please try editing some of your settings and see if the changes stick.

And your categories should be available too.

I have everyone's prefs file backed up just in case...

scripting commented 1 year ago

Good morning!

On further testing, I found a few more problems with settings and the new identity system, and believe I have fixed them.

If you get a chance to help with the testing, please do -- it's much needed.

No need to be gentle. Try using the product when you're logged off of your Twitter identity.

We're doing this so FeedLand can move forward even if Twitter were to change their mind about providing this service.

Thanks and happy holidays! ;-)


troutcolor commented 1 year ago

Last night l tried logging off Twitter on my iPad and it did not go well. As it was late I didn’t take notes, but most things disappeared!

This evening I tried again and all seems well. I’ve added a couple of feeds, categorised, created a new category while logged out of Twitter.



scripting commented 1 year ago

Thanks for sticking with it @troutcolor. I had the same experience last night, got a little depressed, came in to work and found the problem right off, made the fixes very carefully, and things seem smoothed out.

troutcolor commented 1 year ago

Hi Dave, Ran into some problems if I quit Safari (on mac) after signing off twitter.

I hope I've not misunderstood and the email is not suposed to persist?

Anyhow, here are some notes:

Feedland I am not signed in with twitter but can see my stuff and email at top right

Quit Safari

Reopen Safari and open Feedland: my email is at top right but pages shows: undefined > feeds Here's a list of the feeds that undefined is subscribed to.

and no feeds

Sign on to twitter and feeds come back

Sign off twitter and page looks same. No problems. Can view nes and feed

Quit Safari

Open Feedland and undefined > feeds again

Look in console, some errors

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) api.js:51

I've removed the emailcode, not sure if it should be private?

Several more 500 errors, some with

Can't do the thing you want because the accessToken is not valid. code.js:906

all seem to have emailcode in the url




troutcolor commented 1 year ago

I just repeated the log on log off in Firefox, without problem (i did connect with email gain in FF first) I think I'll need to try to kick these tyres a bit more, but not for a day or two.



mistersugar commented 1 year ago

I have Safari using Feedland with my email showing in top right (with a shamrock). I have successfully made changes to various settings, posted a short item to my feed, and liked a couple of items.

akaKenSmith commented 1 year ago

I signed off Twitter, saw my email address in the upper right, then walked through the five test items with no surprises.

scripting commented 1 year ago

Thanks everyone for giving it a try -- glad to hear it's working for the most part.

@troutcolor -- having trouble understanding the report, other than it wasn't working.

The email is of course supposed to persist. ;-)

troutcolor commented 1 year ago

Hi , Shorter and hopefully clearer. For me, in Safari, the email persists. But if I quit Safari although I can see my email, I see no feeds:

Screenshot 2022-12-25 at 09 21 57

Safari: Version 16.0 Mac: 12.6

I do not have the problem in Firefox.

Cheers 🎄


scripting commented 1 year ago

@troutcolor — it would be helpful to know if there are any error messages in the JavaScript console.

troutcolor commented 1 year ago

Hi Dave, There were, I put some of them in the confusing comment above!

I am not sure if it is safe for me to post the emailcode parameter? So I xxxed it out above and have greyed it out in this screenshot.

feeedland-errors-25 Dec 2022



troutcolor commented 1 year ago

In Safari, Logged off twitter, so email is showing at top right Can visit both news and feeds fine,. Subscribe to one feed,

Screenshot 2022-12-25 at 10 12 58

Repeat in Firefox and it works fine




scotthansonde commented 1 year ago

@troutcolor @scripting I've seen similar behavior when I'm using two different browsers (call them my main browser and my test browser) for testing FeedLand.

  1. In my main browser, I have already done Tools->Connect to email, got the confirmation email, clicked on the link, and have a Local Storage value for emailMemory (emailaddress and code).
  2. I want to use the test browser where I have never used FeedLand, so I open FeedLand, sign on with Twitter, do Tools->Connect to email, get a new confirmation email, click on the link.
  3. I now have a Local Storage value for emailMemory in the test browser, but the code is different than in the main browser
  4. I log out of Twitter in the test browser, and all the tests work fine
  5. I go back to my main browser, log out of Twitter, try to access my settings. I get the error "Can't do the thing you want because the accessToken is not valid."
  6. In my main browser, I edit emailMemory in Local Storage to match that in my test browser, and refresh. I am now able to access my settings without an error.
scripting commented 1 year ago

@scotthansonde -- that's very helpful, do you think that's the same thing @troutcolor is reporting?

@troutcolor -- you definitely do not want to share the emailcode parameter. But if you accidentally do, you can just log on with email again and it will be changed.

scotthansonde commented 1 year ago

@scripting I think it's the same @troutcolor is reporting, since he's talking about two browsers, Safari and Firefox.

scripting commented 1 year ago

@scotthansonde -- thanks. I'm working on a fix now.

scripting commented 1 year ago

@scotthansonde @troutcolor --

I think I have the problem fixed. I just tried the experiment here.

  1. Chose Connect with Email from the Tools menu in Chrome. Got the email, clicked to confirm.

  2. Did the same in Safari.

  3. Confirmed that localStorage.emailMemory was the same in both locations.

  4. Went to my feed list page in both browsers. This page uses your identity to set the checkboxes.

  5. Noted that the HTML in Safari is completely wacko. Screen shot. Probably an easy fix. :smile:

scripting commented 1 year ago

One more fix and hopefully I'm done for the day. ;-)

Another thing I hooked up incorrectly in the first iteration was saving of your appPrefs.json file.

This is where we store stuff like the last tab you clicked on, or the last feed you subscribed to.

The only place we were saving it was when you used the Settings command.

That should be fixed now, restored to its previous functionality.

scotthansonde commented 1 year ago

I think I have the problem fixed. I just tried the experiment here.

I performed the same test, I got the same results. localStores.emailMemory is the same in both browsers. 👍

troutcolor commented 1 year ago

Hi, This has solved my issue here. I think caused by my using both desktop & iPad. I reconnect via email on the iPad, Safari & Firefox on desktop. Disconnected Twitter and quite & relaunched Safari. I can see both news and feeds as expected. localStorage.emailMemory is the same in Safari on mac & iPad and in FF.


