scripting / feedsForJournalists

An open source project to create a great list of feeds for journalists to follow.
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A place to suggest feeds #3

Open scripting opened 6 years ago

scripting commented 6 years ago

If you're a journalist and you love RSS, please join me in an easy project to improve both. Let's put together a list of starter feeds for journalists. I've kicked it off with a collection of news feeds that I know provide good value. If you have favorites, please suggest a few in a comment in this thread.

Also, please introduce yourself, what's your connection to journalism, and tell us very briefly why the feeds you recommend are worth including. Thanks! DW

macchioni commented 6 years ago

Hi Dave, this is Piero from Italy. I'm managing editor at Grazia, the italian leading women's magazine for news and fashion. I never stopped using Rss, because I consider this technology the most efficient and unbiased way for news-browsing, if you're consistent. Since you booked lots of common sources, I can dig in just few favourites.

scripting commented 6 years ago

Perfect! ;-)

Nice to see you here.

I added the three feeds.


peterrojas commented 6 years ago

Dave, your list is pretty great, here are a few I'd add:

faffa42 commented 6 years ago

Hi everybody, I'm a journalist and a long time user of River5. I have tons of lists, I'll try to share some here. They are all JSON files (just change the extension if you need it). First one contains all the feeds from Italian Parliament and Senate, 2nd it's foreign policies (from an Italian perception), 3rd contains all the main German newspapers, 4th Spanish and Portuguese news, the last one is a converter from "50 Top Digital Influencers to Follow in 2018" tweets (took a list here maybe this could be particularly interesting to @macchioni Have fun! camere.txt esteri.txt Journalismus.txt Periodismo.txt twitterdig.txt

peteramckay commented 6 years ago

Hi, everyone. I'm an entrepreneur and ex-reporter for the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and Vice News. Currently blog about privacy, hacking, and free speech at

Love this project idea, Dave! Here are some feeds I subscribe to that I'm pretty sure haven't been added yet...

scripting commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the great suggestions!

I feel like the ball is rolling. ;-)

A few things:

  1. I didn't include Scripting News, but I did include my linkblog feed. That way you will get links to some of my pieces. The problem is that I write about a variety of stuff that would not be ontopic for this list. I'd rather err on the side of not imposing. Let's see how it goes.

  2. No podcasts. I do have a list of podcast feeds as part of, and they are kept updated in another repository. I may open that up to this process, but let's see how it goes.

  3. I have not accepted all the feeds. I'm going to stay with big names. Not necessarily big organizations, but ones that my American-centric view feels comfortable with.

  4. Here are the changes from this latest batch.


whereismyhat commented 6 years ago

Bloomberg editor here. This is a great project! Have been slowly building out my own list of writers' rss feeds for years.

Dan's just a fantastic writer on both national and New York stories, and Coates needs no introduction. NYT - Dan Barry The Atlantic - Ta-Nehisi Coates

aakruse commented 6 years ago

APM Reports doesn't publish often. Just longform investigations every so often.

APM Reports

scripting commented 6 years ago

I love this project.

And they have an RSS feed, which I added to the list.


scripting commented 6 years ago

The OPML version of the list is now available.

I added a section to the readme to explain how it works.


fwmiller commented 6 years ago

I would include at least some of the feeds from the Wall Street Journal. There's an opinion feed there that is probably good.

scripting commented 6 years ago

I've never read the WSJ online, never had an account, but since we point to the NYT and Washington Post extensively, ;et's put one WSJ feed in there. I added the opinion feed. Also Fox News (someone suggested it on Twitter, I thought it was a good idea).

JoeyColeman commented 6 years ago

Some Canadian journalism feeds of potential interest:

J-Source, a joint project of many Canadian J-Schools, broad overview of Canadian journalism news and trends:

Fagstein, does a great weekly summary of Canadian media news, trends, and controversies. He's a copy editor for the daily in Montreal.

Michael Geist, Canada's leading academic on copyright right and intellectual property. Good to keep an eye on how American laws and the movie industry influence Canadian policy

Ryerson Review of Journalism, the Canadian version of the Columbian Journalism Review.

Acts of Journalism, the Medium blog of the National Newsmedia Council, Canada's voluntary press council, of which nearly all major print newspapers, and many online start-ups, are members (I'm a member).

Ryerson Journalism Research Centre - Journalism School in Toronto.

CANADALAND - Canada's only news site dedicated to media criticism and analysis.

scripting commented 6 years ago

Joey thanks for the great list, but...

The current list doesn't have much meta-news or news-about-news. It's mostly just plain news.

I am totally in favor of adding Canadian feeds, but for news orgs that are producing news about Canada, and news from a Canadian perspective.

Also want similar sources from Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia/New Zealand.


JoeyColeman commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the clarity; I'll take some time when I get an opportunity to provide some of those feeds.

scripting commented 6 years ago

BTW, here's what the list looks like as a "river of news."

It'll be updated more or less in real time as news appears in the feeds.


scripting commented 6 years ago

I added Motherboard to the list.

Also added a link to the river to the home page under Related projects. If you use the list in a way that other people might want to know about, please post a link and explanation in this comment thread.

Also looked for Globe and Mail feeds, only to discover that they have discontinued them. This is the first time I've encountered a news org that did that. Not a good omen! :-(


scripting commented 6 years ago

I asked about Canadian news orgs on Twitter.

scripting commented 6 years ago

It was suggested that CBC has good feeds and is a trusted news source, which it most certainly is. So I've included a few feeds from CBC.