Open danmichaelo opened 8 years ago
I was able to read the RFID with my Honor 8 that has also a NXP Chip.
It seems that the NXP Chip does not support Multiple Block Reading (according to ISO 15693 it is optional).
Single Block Reading is working on my Honor.
byte[] userdata2;
String first4byte = "";
for (int block=0; block<8; block++){
cmd = new byte[]{
(byte)0x20, // FLAGS
(byte)0x20, // READ_SINGLE_BLOCK
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
(byte)(block & 0x0ff)};
System.arraycopy(tag.getId(), 0, cmd, 2, 8);
userdata2 = nfcvTag.transceive(cmd);
// Chop off the initial 0x00 byte:
userdata2 = Arrays.copyOfRange(userdata2, 0, userdata2.length);
first4byte += new String(userdata2);
like NXP PN547 on Samsung S5