scrivanolabs / ScrivanoForLinux

Scrivano is a notetaking application for handwritten notes.
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Solid app so far - Roadmap plans? #7

Closed relma2 closed 2 years ago

relma2 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I've been using your app so far (Manjaro here) and I can see that its very solid -- keep it up and you could overtake Xournal++.

The strengths:

The meh:

The features: So its clear that the app is still lacking many core features to truly be an everyday notetaker. I would just throw a bajillion feature requests (like text fields) at you, but I realize that wouldn't be productive as there are simply too many features to request. So, I would like to request a roadmap be published - a rough timeline of what features you plan to implement and in what order, so we know what to expect in the future and what you are choosing to prioritize. That way, people can look at your roadmap and not throw feature requests you already have planned or suggest things that would put too much on your plate.

P.S. How many devs are working on this?

scrivanolabs commented 2 years ago

Hi there, thank you for your feedback.

As for a roadmap, there is no plan for that atm. Feel free to suggest anything (other people have suggested features here as well), although I cannot promise anything.

Scrivano has been entirely coded by myself (single dev).

relma2 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the response. I know you don't have a formal roadmap, but trust me, having a way to organize and prioritize the feature requests you get will be very helpful. Even a simple Trello board will help. (If you already have one, consider making it public)

As for the time-delay on grid snapping, I don't think thats the best way to implement it. You should render the line closest to the point the cursor is at dynamically, and when the user lifts the pen/unclicks, then the rendered line is put on the canvas.

scrivanolabs commented 2 years ago

As for the time-delay on grid snapping, I don't think thats the best way to implement it. You should render the line closest to the point the cursor is at dynamically, and when the user lifts the pen/unclicks, then the rendered line is put on the canvas.

Hmm, I don't quite understand what you mean by this. Do you want a live preview of the stroke and snap the points only when the user lifts their pen? If so, wouldn't this limit the grid snapping to be lines only? Suppose the user want to draw a "Z" (one unit to the right, one unit down-left diagonal and then one unit to the right), how would this work with what you've suggested?

Also note that when you're in grid mode, you can hold the pen in one place and that will switch to line mode (if enabled in settings), so that would be a better way to draw lines snapped to the grid.