scrive / pool

A high-performance striped resource pooling implementation for Haskell
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Variant of withResource that allows explicit resource destruction #9

Open chris-martin opened 2 years ago

chris-martin commented 2 years ago

(Copied from because it seems that I put this issue in the wrong repository last year)

The resource-pool library assumes that a corrupted resource will cause an action that uses to it to throw an exception. I do not think this is universally true. I have an action involving a query on a database connection where, if the query throws an exception, the action can catch the exception and still return a meaningful value. However, I still want the connection resource to be destroyed when this happens.

I have written the following function for this, and I would like to propose the adding it to the library.

import Control.Exception (mask, onException)
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl, control)
import Data.IORef (atomicModifyIORef', newIORef, readIORef)
import Data.Pool (Pool, destroyResource, putResource, takeResource)

{- | Like 'withResource', but allows the action to explicitly destroy the resource

If the action throws an exception, the resource will be destroyed. If the action returns
normally and does not run the destroy action, the resource will be returned to the pool.
withResource' :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m) =>
    Pool a
    -> (a -> m () -> m b) -- ^ The first argument is the resource; the second
                          --   argument is an action to destroy the resource
    -> m b
withResource' pool action = control $ \runInIO -> mask $ \restore ->
    -- Acquire the resource
    (resource, local) <- takeResource pool

    -- Keep track of whether the resource has been destroyed, to avoid destroying it repeatedly
    destroyedRef <- newIORef False

    -- This action destroys the resource, if it has not already been destroyed
    let destroy = do alreadyDestroyed <- atomicModifyIORef' destroyedRef (\x -> (True, x))
                     unless alreadyDestroyed $ destroyResource pool local resource

    -- Run the user's action; if it throws an exception, destroy the resource
    result <- restore (runInIO (action resource (liftIO destroy))) `onException` destroy

    -- Return the resource to the pool, if it has not been destroyed
    destroyed <- readIORef destroyedRef
    unless destroyed $ putResource local resource

    -- Return the result from the user's action
    return result
chris-martin commented 2 years ago

I see this is now outdated because the MonadBaseControl IO constraint on withResource has been concretized to IO. I think I can make the corresponding change to withResource', if this function is wanted at all.

arybczak commented 1 year ago

The problem here is that this variant is useful to you, but another, slightly different variant might be useful to someone else. Do we include it then too?

I'd rather provide a single, simple withResource and make it easy for users to write variants that fit their specific use cases.

chris-martin commented 1 year ago

Yes, I would think including it would generally be the right thing to do. Why volunteer to maintain a library if not to help collect things that are useful to people?

The resource destruction mechanism in this function is more general than the one presently included in the library, which makes a more specific assumption (which is not true for all users) about the conditions under which a resource should be destroyed. If the growing size of this library's API is becoming a problem, then maybe the right solution would be to replace the present function with the one that makes fewer assumptions, instead of adding on.