scrod / nv

Notational Velocity: modeless, mouseless Mac OS X note-taking application
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.07k stars 404 forks source link

Find does not work in Lion #240

Open aaltonen opened 13 years ago

aaltonen commented 13 years ago

I am running OS 10.7 Lion Developer Preview 4, and neither the Find menu commands or keyboard shortcuts (⌘ F, ⌘ G, etc.) are functional. Can anyone else confirm this?

elasticthreads commented 13 years ago

Thanks for the report. I see this too. NV does customize the Find command(s) that it can find across multiple notes. If Lion changed the way this works, then it would break this functionality. I don't have a Mac developer connection account, so I can't access the 10.7 SDK ahead of release; if someone else does and wants to take a look and see about fixing this please do.

scrod commented 13 years ago

I have been aware of this issue for several months; it's been on my "to do" list.

timbuktu234 commented 13 years ago

I can confirm that under the final version of Lion (Gold Master) the Find shortcut feature doesn't work (⌘ F).

And Lion is scheduled to debut tomorrow at the Stores.

wenaus commented 13 years ago

I just ran into this with a new Mac running Lion. Console shows

7/23/11 3:51:05.818 PM Notational Velocity: +[NSTextFinder sharedTextFinder]: unrecognized selector sent to class 0x7fff78b6bd28

7/23/11 3:51:05.835 PM Notational Velocity: ( 0 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff893ed986 exceptionPreprocess + 198 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007fff8d1c9d5e objc_exception_throw + 43 2 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff894794ee +[NSObject doesNotRecognizeSelector:] + 190 3 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff893da803 __forwarding + 371 4 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff893da618 _CF_forwarding_prep_0 + 232 5 Notational Velocity 0x000000010001fc34 Notational Velocity + 130100 6 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff893dd11d -[NSObject performSelector:withObject:] + 61 7 AppKit 0x00007fff8de52686 -[NSApplication sendAction:to:from:] + 139 8 AppKit 0x00007fff8df3f183 -[NSMenuItem _corePerformAction] + 399 9 AppKit 0x00007fff8df3eeba -[NSCarbonMenuImpl performActionWithHighlightingForItemAtIndex:] + 125 10 AppKit 0x00007fff8debc617 -[NSMenu performKeyEquivalent:] + 281 11 AppKit 0x00007fff8debb26d -[NSApplication _handleKeyEquivalent:] + 526 12 AppKit 0x00007fff8ddb382e -[NSApplication sendEvent:] + 4354 13 AppKit 0x00007fff8dd4a25f -[NSApplication run] + 548 14 AppKit 0x00007fff8dfc835e NSApplicationMain + 867 15 Notational Velocity 0x0000000100009650 Notational Velocity + 38480 16 ??? 0x0000000000000002 0x0 + 2 )

catsby commented 13 years ago

Has anyone had a chance to look at this now that Lion is out?

timbuktu234 commented 13 years ago

Notational Velocity β5 works with the retail version of Lion OS X 10.7... but the Find function ( ⌘ F) is STILL broken.

When you try to search a note no dialog box appears to enter your search string.

scrod commented 13 years ago

Yes, scobell, that's because I released 2.0B5 several months before Lion was available.

timbuktu234 commented 13 years ago

Thanks scrod!

Notational Velocity works remarkably well in Lion with just one or two small kirks...

I have all but prize for Notational Velocity. Thank you for the hard work :)

bzoooty commented 13 years ago

i love NV and thank you, wholeheartedly, for your efforts. is there any rough timeline for when a fix for this problem will be available? the lack of the "find" function renders the app basically useless when it comes to longer notes and working within individual notes.

thejoecarroll commented 13 years ago

Bugfix please! This is a significant usability issue and I'm wondering why it's taking so long to fix it if it was a known problem "for several months" already over 2 months ago... Are there any working builds available that this? No need to wait till whatever exciting new features that are being cooked up are ready ;-) Oh, and thanks for such an indispensable app! :-)

scrod commented 13 years ago

If NV is "basically useless" to you without a separate in-note Find command, then I'd suggest you aren't using NV as intended. Keeping each note as short as possible will make the app much more efficient. Remember, NV is a note-taking program — not a word processor, long-form writing environment, or blog-editor.

jacobweber commented 13 years ago

It's not useless without it, but it would be much more useful with it. NV's versatility is one of its strengths, and I imagine that most people do occasionally use it for long notes. I'd also vote for a quick fix, if it's not too much trouble.

jerclarke commented 12 years ago

Whew, glad to find this cause I thought I was going crazy trying to search and finding that CMD+G and CMD+SHIFT+G do absolutely nothing. Good to know that there's a specific cause (Lion).

I really need this functionality for some of my unorthodox long notes, but I don't need it that often and I can always open the file up in Smultron when I know there are many instances of a term inside a document that I want to cycle through.

FWIW: In case you other people don't know, there's still a kind of search that works. If you type the term in the title bar, then choose a note with your mouse the note will open and scroll to the first use of the term in the note, and other uses will be highlighted if you scroll down. It's really just the find-next/find-prev that are missing.

Thanks for looking into it at some point Scrod. NV is the best.

ollelar commented 12 years ago

+1. Find next/prev would be great. I also use Smultron when I can't find something quick enough (after pressing cmd+g a few times). NV is the best!

jhorman commented 12 years ago

+1. I will throw my vote in for this was well. Really missing ⌘ F.

paykroyd commented 12 years ago

+1 Search is pretty important for my notes

timbuktu234 commented 12 years ago

+1 Search is very useful... miss it

thejoecarroll commented 12 years ago

Apparently, this bug has been fixed in the Elastic Threads fork of NV (see: ) How long before this gets merged into the NV master and the next release is made available?

SimonGreenhill commented 12 years ago

The bug has been fixed in this revision, but there's a lot of other things happening in this commit so it'll be hard to disentangle the find fix.

oak86 commented 12 years ago

Yeah, I could really use Find. I've only just started using NV. It's been great so far, but broken find brings me tears. Hope NV gets updated with the fixes soon. +1

alvarix commented 12 years ago

I am really feeling the lack of a find command. Eg. I have long lists of shortcuts. Without a find command they are pretty useless.

I thought I would check for an update. 2.0beta5 shows up as an available update, but after downloading I get:

Update error! The update is improperly signed.

Also, it is not self updating.

wtn commented 12 years ago

@alvarix—The issue regarding find has not been patched yet.

Regarding your autoupdate failure, please download the latest version from []. There was an problem with autoupdate in a previous beta.

thejoecarroll commented 12 years ago

Why is this taking so long? 5 months and counting...

jensos commented 12 years ago

+1 Search function not working for sooooo many months is really a bit anoying... is there a reason why it takes so damn long?

timbuktu234 commented 12 years ago

Any news on this issue ? :)

thejoecarroll commented 12 years ago

@scobell , I suggest you compile the latest version of this fork, as I did, which fixes the bug: More info:

benwikler commented 12 years ago

+1. Please fix in the master!

dathinaios commented 12 years ago

+1. I really love notational velocity but I do keep longish notes in it and I need the find command. At the moment I am opening the notes in macvim to search but this is not really as minimal as I am used with notational velocity :)

jensos commented 12 years ago

I switch to yojimbo now. I dont have time to wait for the f…ing search update. Its a open bug since months…

bradwright commented 12 years ago

@jensos: no need to be rude - it's open source, you could always fix it yourself.

vrillusions commented 12 years ago

Perhaps I'm missing something but I can still do CMD-L and search that way. It does a full text search. This works even on longer notes I have. Does cmd-f do something different?

(edit) this is on lion 10.7.2 and Notational Velocity 2.0 B5 (8)

simonexmachina commented 12 years ago

I'm also eagerly awaiting a fix to this issue. Also, for what it's worth I'd really like to see a normal find dialog. I know it's a bit outside the "style" of the application, but I'd certainly prefer an exception in this very common case. Maybe if it was controlled with an option in the preferences "Use popup Find dialog".

timbuktu234 commented 12 years ago

I would love to compile the latest version of the fork in which this issue has been solved as @joecaroll mentions, yet I am am an end user and don't know how to compile code.

Waiting for a binary final release in which this issue is solved :)

timbuktu234 commented 12 years ago

nvAlt, a wonderful fork of Notational Velocity, has just fixed this in the 2.2 beta (public) released today February 29.

Go and get it! :) ➠

wtn commented 12 years ago

Please note that there is no guarantee that nvAlt data will be compatible with future versions of Notational Velocity.

Use forks at your own risk.

dathinaios commented 12 years ago

Thanks Scobell. That is a great fork!! And it works great :) Think I might stay with it as long as it does not become bloated..

phrend commented 12 years ago

I would LOVE to have the Find Next (⌘ G) and Find Previous (⌘ ⇧ G) features working on Lion! I wish I were a more talented programmer and could fix it myself!

phrend commented 12 years ago

Well, I don't understand most of what I'm looking at, but it appears that the find next/previous functions may be within the following files: MultiTextFinder.h MultiTextFinder.m NSTextFinder.h

nvAlt added some conditional statements for Lion in these files that might be the fixes we need? If I knew how to build this code (or any code for the Mac!), I'd play around and see if I'm on the right track, but I'll have to look in to that next! :)

morgant commented 12 years ago

+1. I also find it easier to jump around search results within a note by using ⌘F, ⌘G, and ⌘⇧G.

moll commented 12 years ago

How's the status quo on this? I can also confirm that the same problem exists in Mountain Lion.

dathinaios commented 12 years ago

The status is that apparently all of us that think this is useful are confused and not using the program as we should. It is only my opinion but, although I do appreciate that this is an open source project, the developer should respond to user feedback with a fix.

Anyways, I will stop whining. Just start using nvAlt instead as described in wtn's comment.

alvarix commented 12 years ago

I've spoken to the developer a couple times by email. He is just too busy.

The only option is to recruit a cocoa programmer to modify the open source files.

Apparently NValt has fixed this, but I found it had a lot of other bugs. I may try it again soon.

On Sat, Aug 4, 2012 at 5:49 AM, dathinaios <


The status is that apparently all of us that think this is useful are confused and not using the program as we should. It is only my opinion but, although I do appreciate that this is an open source project, the developer should respond to user feedback with a fix.

Anyways, I will stop whining. Just start using nvAlt instead as described in wtn's comment.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub:

Alvar Sirlin, Web designer and developer | 646.248.3869

bzoooty commented 12 years ago

Is it theoretically possible to raise money, via Kickstarter or something, to hire someone to implement a fix?

This is the "Major Issue" with the largest number of comments, and it's top 3 in terms of comments overall. That suggests it's something that a lot of folks are interested in seeing fixed. After my browser, NV is the application I use the most, by far, and it would be very valuable to me to have a working "find" function. Personally, I find nvALT far too slow for daily use.


ericfer commented 11 years ago

Just to keep it alive... +1

mongobuggy commented 11 years ago

It's still not working. @scrod had been aware oft his "for months" two years ago! The response "I'd suggest you aren't using NV as intended" seems to avoid the issue. Why not then remove the find command from the menu

scrod commented 11 years ago

Mongobuggy, if you've got a problem with NV, your options are to fix it or stop using the app. No one is forcing you to use it. And what's more, your comments aren't needed. If you continue to post harassing comments then they will be deleted.

mongobuggy commented 11 years ago

@scrod I apologise if my comment seemed harassing. I did not mean to offend. I have edited the comment above.

As a matter of fact I don't use the app, precisely because of the issue I mentioned. But I would use it if all its features worked. Unfortunately I don't have the expertise to fix it.

patchin commented 11 years ago

@mongobuggy I just tried nvalt and it works great so far. Fixes the bug.

ericfer commented 11 years ago


On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 4:19 PM, patchin wrote:

@mongobuggy I just tried nvalt and it works great so far. Fixes the bug.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

mongobuggy commented 11 years ago

Thanks for the tip. I will try that.