scrod / nv

Notational Velocity: modeless, mouseless Mac OS X note-taking application
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.06k stars 404 forks source link

I loved it but… #364

Open martzell opened 6 years ago

martzell commented 6 years ago

Notes without tables, images (e. g. screen shots), files (e. g. PDF) and check lists are too limited. That's why I switched first to Hackpad / Dropbox Papers and then Quip. But I miss the lightning fast creating or adding to an existing note, all in one step, with NV.

Won't you integrate an Markdown WYSIWYG-WYSIWYM-engine like or With tables, images and outline… Elastic tabstops would also great.

GitBruno commented 6 years ago

Check out the nvALT fork for Markdown and WYSIWYG engine.

The beauty of this app is it's simplicity.

jsejcksn commented 6 years ago

@martzell Also, check out Evernote.

For some projects, minimalism is a feature (UNIX philosophy).

haltlos commented 6 years ago

I loved it, too. Thank you very much Zachary Schneirov for creating Notational Velocity. I have been working with it daily for circa 4 years. On High Sierra, I feel the pressure to import the notes into other apps.