scrod / nv

Notational Velocity: modeless, mouseless Mac OS X note-taking application
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.06k stars 404 forks source link

Notes preserved up to Jan 24, 2018, all the rest deleted. #385

Closed snish4 closed 4 years ago

snish4 commented 4 years ago

I noticed the missing notes after resolving an unrelated software issue that required multiple hard reboots. My guess is that NV was unable to complete its database update properly.

By unhiding the files in the 'Notional Data' folder, I was able to locate what seem to be the individual deleted note files (about 120 of them, all dated after 1/24/2018). Now I'm stuck trying to figure out how to re-integrate them into the Notes and Settings file, which still has all of my notes up to 1/24/2018 intact.

I've checked the wiki and couldn't find any similar issue reported.

I am attaching a screenshot of some of the file listings in Finder, in case it is helpful.

Any guidance greatly appreciated.

Cheers, Steven

Screenshot 2019-11-19 21 38 22

snish4 commented 4 years ago

Digging into the hidden files, I realized that they were archived versions of the Notes & Settings doc, so I was able to restore the notes by renaming the most recent archived version to Notes & Settings to replace the incomplete file. That seems to have done the trick.