scrtlabs / EthereumBridgeFrontend

Frontend for the Ethereum<>Secret Network bridge
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UI improvements for bridge farming #14

Closed cankisagun closed 3 years ago

cankisagun commented 3 years ago

We need to make 3 main improvements to the current UI in order to clearly communicate rewards.

1) Information page to navigate all bridge rewards 2) Ability for users to immediately stake their secretETH (secretERC20s) to the staking contract - nice to have 3) Page for user to see / claim SCRT rewards (I need more info on how this will work in order to provide meaningful comments WIP) - dashboard is nice to have, claiming is addressed in 1

Information page to navigate bridge rewards This should be a list of:

We can show ETH on top and make the list sortable by TVL & APY (if possible, if not just TVL is fine). If we do the same rewards for all ERC20s the APY will be identical but we'll have TVL in different values. Assuming user has connected to Metamask, we can also show how much a user can deposit (check out YFI vault screenshot) Clicking on the asset would take the user to the "Bridge Tab" with that asset already selected for the swap.

We can change the current assets tab to include these details. Here are some examples from projects on how they communicate different pools and rewards involved in each pool:

YFI - YFL shows users available balance unlike CRV + Sushi, which I believe is helpful image

CRV -single asset, no impermanent loss: You'll see that clicking on the pool takes you to the screen where you can swap + provide liquidity image

Sushi swap You'll see that clicking on the icon (left side), takes you to the screen where you can swap + provide liquidity image

Will be doing a bit more research but I think this is what we want to communicate to the users. If we want to get design UX help, let's discuss

Ability for users to directly stake their secertETH / secretERC20 for rewards We require a UX, where Alice first needs to mint secretETH and then provide that to a secret contract to be eligible for rewards. Best in-class examples in this UX gives users 2 options: i) just to mint secretETH and ii) mintsecretETH and deposit it in a single click (then multiple metamask clicks).

For example, SushiSwap has the following UX Alice adds liquidity and get Sushi tokens. She can then stake those Sushi tokens for platform revenues image image The second step may be a friction that prevents Alice from staking and earning Sushi rewards

Whereas inCurve (even though the UI is horrible), when you choose deposit for a pool, you have 2 options: 1) deposit, 2) deposit and stake. I think we can offer the 2 options to ensure everyone enjoys SCRT rewards image

We can modify the "Bridge Tab" to have 2 horizontal confirming buttons instead of the current continue: 1) get secretETH 2) get secretETH + yield image

Dashboard - Page for user to see / claim SCRT rewards We require a new tab called "Dashboard", where Alice can see her rewards:

For claiming rewards, I understand that rewards are distributed to Alice, when Alice either increases or reduces her staked secretETH or secretERC20. If possible we should give Alice the option to claim her most update rewards from each pool that's listed (3rd bullet in this section) so she can do it for each pool. I am guessing Alice can also ask the contract to collect the rewards w/o increasing or decreasing her staked amount cc @toml01

Here are two examples that I find very clean and intuitive: YFI dashboard page image

Balancer dashboard page image

Compound balance claim image

cankisagun commented 3 years ago

Information page to navigate all bridge rewards to-do's

It would be nice to add some notification for the user that she has funds staked in a reward pool. Currently it's not possible to see this, unless you expand the view: image image

Possible approaches to this can be:

Cashmaney commented 3 years ago

Done. Closing this for now - we can open new issues for more specific stuff