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Keyback - wallet backup/recovery and deadman switch #112

Open glenfish opened 10 months ago

glenfish commented 10 months ago

Introduction Keyback 2.0 Objectives Team and Expertise Budget and Funding Timeline and Milestones Conclusion


The Keyback mission is to empower individuals and businesses with trustless digital asset recovery solutions so they can operate fully as secure sovereign entities.

Keyback is a multi-encrypted geo-decentralized backup and recovery system for crypto wallets and private keys. It’s also an automated digital estate plan to pass digital assets on to loved ones after death.

We are committed to delivering a platform that ensures users' data remains confidential and accessible only to designated beneficiaries in critical situations that meet programmable definitions.

Our existing Web 2.0 product currently meets the needs of the current age where digital assets are not effectively catered to in the legal field. We have made significant strides in the field of secure cryptocurrency seed and key management. It has garnered praise from industry players and users alike for its robust encryption, advanced security protocols, and user-friendly interface.

The purpose of this grant proposal is to take Keyback to the next level by launching a decentralized autonomous version. We envision a future where the integration of smart contracts on the Secret Network empowers our platform with enhanced security, privacy, and functionality. This evolution will enable us to bring the benefits of blockchain technology and decentralized applications to our users, ensuring that their data and assets remain protected in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

With this grant, we seek the support of Secret Labs in realizing our vision for Keyback Web 3.0. By harnessing the power of smart contracts and the Secret Network's decentralized and private architecture, we aim to create a cutting- edge platform that sets new standards in autonomous asset recovery and transfer. Together, we can drive the growth of the Web 3.0 ecosystem and offer users an unparalleled experience in safeguarding their digital legacies.

Keyback 2.0

Company Structure: Keyback ( is a product owned and operated by Eternal Digital Assets LLC based in Delaware, United States. The co-owners are David Lister and Nic Fehlberg. They are both Australian citizens. Ivan is on contract and is a part owner of the Keyback platform. They currently live and operate in Thailand.

Keyback Explained: We have two 60 second videos explaining Keyback on our website at:

Marketing Strategy: Our marketing strategy is a combination of PR releases, back linking and articles for natural search, partnerships with influencers and our in-house affiliate marketing platform which is white labeled from Tapfiliate. To find out more about this, please see:

Keyback Infrastructure: Our public facing web pages on are built in Astro, repo’d on Github and hosted with Vercel. The Keyback members area is split over 3 heavily locked-down cloud servers, with redundant backups. It was built in Laravel and React.

Commerce: We have a US-based business banking account (Mercury), which is connected to our Stripe account. We accept payment by Visa and Mastercard via the Stripe API. We also accept payment with Bitcoin via a BTCPay server which we run on our own cloud server.

Key Objectives of the Project:

Enhanced Security: Implement cutting edge encryption and security protocols to multi-encrypt wallet seeds, private keys and other plaintext data.

Privacy: Leverage the privacy-preserving capabilities of the Secret Network to ensure that user data remains confidential, allowing only those stakeholders defined in the contract access and privileges according to their role.

Seamless User Experience: Design an intuitive and user-friendly dApp interface that simplifies the inherent complexity of working with smart contracts, making Keyback Web 3.0 accessible to everyone regardless of their technical background.

Technologies and Tools: Keyback Web 3.0 will solely rely on Secret Network smart contracts. By deploying these smart contracts as standalone deadman switch instances on the Secret Network using a combination of available privacy protocols such as FHE, MPC, ZKPs and the Trusted Execution Environment, we aim to become the standard for Digital Asset backup/Recovery and Transfer.

Team and Expertise

  1. Haseeb Saeeb : Lead Web 3.0 Developer: Heading the development team is Haseeb Saeeb, an esteemed developer and a winner of prestigious hackathons and past grants. With a proven track record of successful blockchain projects, Haseeb brings a wealth of experience in design, testing and deployment of smart contracts, dApps and the specific technologies made available via Secret Network. After working with Secret Network developer and marketing ambassadors to identify potential candidates and interview them for this project, we have chosen Haseeb and feel his is the ideal techlead for this transformative project.
  2. David Lister : CEO of Eternal Digital Assets David has experience and professional credentials in business, psychology, theology and marketing. As a successful entrepreneur in Australia his company Australian Web Hosting and Australian Web Developers, he was a significant and influential player in the web design and hosting space. He is a champion of blockchain and the positive impact it can bring to humanity and seeks to advance this through Keyback. As CEO, David’s mission is to expand the company’s reach and vision to engage with crypto investors and traders, to grow the crypto space and enhance visibility of our partners in the space.
  3. Nicholas Fehlberg : Founder & CMO Nic is the the founder of KeyBack. He is a project management professional with twenty years of experience in multiple business verticals, coupled with online and offline marketing and media buying. He headed a successful affiliate marketing platform for US-based publishers. Having led developer and marketing teams at companies across the United States and Australia, he is a well rounded manager and visionary with Keyback. He currently heads affiliate marketing and business development at Keyback. Nic’s mission is to bring simplicity and utility to an otherwise over-complicated tech space for new users.
  4. Ivan Brazhnikov : CTO Ivan has a background in chemical engineering and this attention to detail and a brilliant mind makes him the perfect full stack developer that he is. As the Chief Technical Officer at Keyback, he oversees all development and works with IT contract hires. His skills and experience are wide and varied and he brings a level of competency to his work that is only found in the best IT companies.

Our team lead’s extensive experience in blockchain development and specifically Secret Network guarantees that the project's technical challenges will be met with proficiency. Moreover, our passion for decentralized technologies and privacy solutions fuels our commitment to delivering a cutting-edge product that redefines secure private data recovery and transfer.

Budget and Funding

  1. Budget Breakdown:

The successful development and deployment of Keyback's Web 3.0 version on the Secret Network require careful financial planning to ensure a seamless and secure user experience. The following is a comprehensive breakdown of the budget:

Developer Contract: We have allocated $25,000 to development. This amount accounts for the dedication of 200 hours at a rate of $125.

Infrastructure & Assets: We budgeted $5,000 to cover ongoing infrastructure expenses of integrating and working with existing Validators and pre-purchasing $SILK tokens from Shade Protocol.

Advertising: We have allocated $10,000 for PR, paid advertising and performance based marketing outreach.

Total Grant Request: $40,000

Project Timeline & Milestones

To ensure timely delivery and to foster a trusted relationship between our companies, the work timeline has been divided into milestones that are each assigned a funding amount.

Stage 1: Development (Estimated Duration: 8 weeks) Funding: $20,000

Week 1-2: Project Setup and Planning Assemble development team and assign roles Define project scope and objectives Formulate technical specifications and architecture

Week 3-6: Development Develop Rust-based smart contracts for Keyback Web 3. Integrate smart contracts with the Secret Network $SILK integration Implement privacy features and security measures Conduct internal testing and debugging

Week 7-8: User Interface Development Design an intuitive and user-friendly dApp UI Incorporate Secret Network integration into the UI Conduct user testing for feedback and improvements

Stage 2: Testnet (Estimated Duration: 4 weeks) Funding: $10,000

Week 9-12: Integration and Testing Integrate with Validator(s) Deploy Keyback Web 3.0 on the Secret Network Testnet Conduct thorough testing and security audits Address vulnerabilities or issues found during testing

Stage 3: Main Net Rollout (Estimated Duration: 3 weeks) Funding: $10,000

Week 13-15: Deployment and Launch Deploy Keyback Web 3.0 on the Secret Network Mainnet Conduct final testing to ensure a seamless launch Make the platform accessible to users and promote adoption

Total Estimated Duration: 15 weeks

Commitment to Timely Completion:

At Keyback, we understand the paramount importance of delivering a high-quality Web 3.0 platform within the specified timeframe. Our development team, led by the accomplished Web 3.0 developer Haseeb Saeeb, is fully committed to meeting each milestone promptly and efficiently, ensuring a smooth development process.

To achieve timely completion, we have implemented a robust project management structure. Regular meetings and progress updates will be conducted to closely monitor the team's progress, address challenges proactively, and maintain open communication with all stakeholders involved.

Our team is motivated by a collective passion for secure data management and privacy-focused solutions. We recognize the significance of delivering Keyback's Web 3.0 version to our users, and we remain dedicated to adhering to the highest standards of quality and security.

With a well-defined roadmap and a team of seasoned Web 3.0 developers, we are confident in our ability to complete the project within the estimated 15-week timeframe. We are enthusiastic about bringing Keyback Web 3.0 to fruition, showcasing the full potential of smart contracts on the Secret Network.


In conclusion, the development of Keyback Web 3.0 represents a significant milestone in our mission to deliver cutting-edge digital asset backup/recovery/transfer solutions to our clients. With our existing Web 2.0 product's success and positive user feedback, we are well-positioned to take Keyback to the next level by embracing the possibilities offered by the technology inherent in the design of Secret Network.

By securing this grant from the Secret Labs, we aim to unlock the full potential of smart contracts on a privacy- focused blockchain. This will enable us to enhance the security, privacy, and functionality of our deadman switch service, setting new standards or robust failsafe recovery of crypto assets.

Our technical approach will ensure that data remains confidential, encrypted, and accessible only to authorized parties, addressing the growing concerns surrounding data privacy and security.

Throughout the project timeline, our dedicated team of experienced developers, led by Haseeb Saeeb will remain committed to meeting milestones efficiently and delivering the solution within the 15-week timeframe. Effective project management, proactive communication, and a passion for secure data management drive our commitment to timely completion.

We will submit timely written and video chat updates on our progress according to the timeline and milestones.

We are confident that the integration of Keyback with the Secret Network will significantly enhance the security and privacy of user data, creating a robust and reliable platform for safeguarding digital assets. By contributing to the broader Web 3.0 ecosystem, we hope to inspire further innovation and collaboration within the decentralized technology landscape.

We extend our gratitude to Secret Labs for reviewing our proposal and look forward to the opportunity to promote and bring visibility to Secret Network with a use-case that is greatly needed. We truly believe this is a pain point in the crypto space that is begging for a solution, and we will be that solution with your partnership.

We are excited to embark on this journey towards privacy-conscious and decentralized excellence in digital wallet management.