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Secret Extension Suite #140

Open tolgayayci opened 3 months ago

tolgayayci commented 3 months ago

Tolga Yaycı

Project Description

The "Secret Extension Suite" enhances the development experience on the Secret blockchain with essential tools for Visual Studio Code and Discord. It's focused on improving efficiency and providing support directly within the developer's workflow.

Key features and examples include:

The "Secret Extension Suite" is planned to make Secret blockchain development more accessible and efficient, providing a robust set of tools that provide various needs from project management to coding assistance. With its comprehensive support and user-friendly design, developers can improve their productivity and focus more on creating impactful applications on the Secret network.

Problem / Solution


Developers on the Secret network, face several challenges:

  1. Complex Project Management: Handling multiple blockchain projects within a single development environment can be challenging, leading to inefficiencies and increased potential for errors.
  2. CLI Complexity: The Secret command-line interface (CLI) is powerful but can be intimidating for new users, and switching between the CLI and an integrated development environment (IDE) disrupts the workflow.
  3. Development Support: Finding answers to development questions, debugging code, or getting examples specific to Secret blockchain development can be time-consuming and decreases productivity.


The "Secret Extension Suite" directly addresses these challenges by providing a unified, intuitive toolkit within Visual Studio Code and Discord:

  1. Simplified Project Management: Users can easily create, delete, and manage multiple Secret projects within Visual Studio Code. This makes it straightforward to switch between projects within the same workspace.
  2. Intuitive Secret CLI UI: A dedicated UI for Secret CLI commands within Visual Studio Code simplifies complex operations. Developers can deploy a smart contract or interact with the blockchain with just a few clicks, without ever leaving the IDE, making it more accessible to newcomers and speeding up Secret development for experienced users.
  3. AI-powered Development Support: Secret GPT provides instant assistance for development queries, code examples, and debugging tips within Visual Studio Code and Discord. For instance, a developer stuck on a smart contract function can ask Secret GPT for help and get code examples or documentation references, reducing downtime and enhancing a more productive development process.

By integrating these solutions into a single suite, the "Secret Extension Suite" significantly reduces the complexity and barriers associated with Secret network development, making it easier, faster, and more efficient for developers to build innovative, privacy-preserving applications.

Detailed product description

The "Secret Extension Suite" is a comprehensive toolkit designed for developers working with the Secret blockchain, offering a seamless integration with Visual Studio Code. It combines project management, CLI access, AI-driven support (also in Discord), and code resources into a unified platform, enhancing productivity and simplifying development workflows.

Project Management

This feature allows developers to efficiently manage their Secret projects directly within Visual Studio Code. Users can create, delete, and switch between multiple Secret projects within a specialized workspace tailored for Secret development. For example, a developer working on both a privacy-preserving voting system and a secure messaging application can easily navigate and manage these projects without leaving the Visual Studio Code environment.

Secret CLI User Interface in VS Code

The Secret CLI UI provides an intuitive interface for executing Secret command-line instructions from within Visual Studio Code. This eliminates the need for switching between the terminal and the IDE, providing a smoother development process. Developers can deploy smart contracts, query the blockchain, or interact with their projects with a few clicks. Commands and parameters can be saved for future use, and a history of recent commands is maintained for quick repetition. This UI revolutionizes how developers interact with the Secret CLI, making it more accessible and efficient.

Secret GPT (VS Code + Discord Bot)

Secret GPT offers AI-powered assistance, answering development-related questions and providing support with code definitions, bug fixes, and more. Within Visual Studio Code, developers can right-click to access options like "Ask Secret GPT" for insights or code suggestions. The same AI assistance extends to Discord through a dedicated bot, enabling community support and real-time problem-solving in channels dedicated to Secret development. This dual-platform approach ensures developers have the support they need, whether working individually in VS Code or collaborating on Discord.

Code Snippets & Examples

Developers have access to a curated collection of code snippets and examples specific to Secret development. This library speeds up the coding process by providing ready-to-use code blocks for common tasks and patterns in Secret applications. For instance, integrating a privacy feature into an app can be made easier with a snippet that outlines the standard method of calling a Secret contract, promoting best practices and reducing development time.

Documentation & Release

The "Secret Extension Suite" comes with comprehensive documentation covering all aspects of its installation, usage, and features. This ensures developers can fully leverage the suite's capabilities and integrate it smoothly into their workflows. The release notes and updates are documented, keeping users informed about new features and improvements.

Go-to-Market plan

Value capture for Secret Network ecosystem

Team members

Team Website

Team's experience

Tolga Yaycı - Software Engineer

I completed my bachelor's degree in computer engineering. As a full-stack developer with 2 years of experience, I have refined my skills in software development, with a focus on dApp development in the past year. I have a deep interest in the Web3 space and have applied my skills by creating a number of relevant applications.

I have developed more than 10 projects for 7+ protocols including Solana, Arbitrum, Lens, Aave, Filecoin, Compound, W3F etc so that I have necessary technical skills to develop this kind of application.

Some of my projects that I lastly developed;

You can also contact with grant team of some protocols that I worked directly,

Team Code Repos

Team LinkedIn Profiles

Development Roadmap

The project is expected to be completed in 3 months, and support is guaranteed for one year. I do not want prepayment, it is convenient for me to make payments as milestones are completed.

[Milestone 1: Project Management Integration]

Brief Description: This milestone focuses on integrating project management capabilities within the VS Code environment, enabling developers to efficiently manage their Secret projects. Features include viewing all Secret projects in a list, creating new projects, and deleting existing ones directly through the VS Code interface. How to Measure Completion: Developers are able to manage multiple Secret projects within VS Code, including the ability to view project lists, create new projects with ease, and delete unnecessary projects from their workspace. Estimated Date of Completion: 2 Weeks Budget: $5,000

[Milestone 2: Secret CLI User Interface Enhancement]

Brief Description: Development of an intuitive user interface for the Secret CLI within VS Code, simplifying execution of Secret command-line instructions. This standalone feature simplifies deploying smart contracts, querying the blockchain, and other CLI interactions directly within the IDE. How to Measure Completion: A fully functional UI for Secret CLI commands is integrated into VS Code, offering a user-friendly way to execute commands, save frequently used parameters, and access a history of recent commands. Estimated Date of Completion: 3 Weeks Budget: $8,000

[Milestone 3: Secret GPT Integration for VS Code and Discord Bot Development]

Brief Description: Separate integration of Secret GPT into VS Code and the creation of a dedicated Discord bot. In VS Code, Secret GPT will assist with code definitions, bug fixes, and more. The Discord bot will offer similar AI-powered support in a collaborative community setting. How to Measure Completion: Secret GPT is integrated into VS Code, providing instant AI assistance. Concurrently, a fully operational Discord bot is developed, capable of offering real-time support and fostering community engagement among Secret developers. Estimated Date of Completion: 5 Weeks Budget: $6,000 for GPT development and API, $5,000 for VS Code integration, $5,000 for Discord bot development

[Milestone 4: Code Snippets & Examples & Release]

Brief Description: Expanding the developer toolkit with Secret-specific code snippets and examples, and preparing comprehensive documentation for the entire "Secret Extension Suite." This milestone also covers the release of the suite and its documentation on the VS Code Marketplace. How to Measure Completion: The integration of a library of code snippets and examples in VS Code and the publication of detailed documentation and the suite's availability on the VS Code Marketplace. Estimated Date of Completion: 2 Weeks Budget: $5,000

Total Budget: $34,000

Total Timeframe: 12 Weeks

Additional Information

As I mentioned in the team section, I completed a similar plugin for Stylus (Arbitrum). We can arrange a meeting to discuss the project and I can present you a demo, best!