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ChainIDE - Empowering Secret Developers with a Cloud-Based Multichain Development Platform #152

Open BlairQu opened 3 months ago

BlairQu commented 3 months ago

Example Team Name

Project Description

We propose integrating ChainIDE with the Secret Network to provide developers with seamless access to and utilization of Secret within our platform. ChainIDE is an established and robust multi-chain cloud-powered development platform that provides one-stop development services for blockchain developers. By providing cloud-based user experiences, ChainIDE allows users to initiate decentralized application development instantly, eliminating the need for configurations or pre-installed software on local systems. It is designed to streamline the development process by providing a user-friendly interface and a suite of tools and services to help developers write, test, and deploy smart contracts and dApps.

Problem / Solution

ChainIDE addresses the fragmented developer tooling issue by offering an all-in-one integrated development environment (IDE). This enables developers to complete the entire dApp development lifecycle across various blockchain networks, including development, testing, publishing, release, and frontend development. image

Time consuming environment setup process

Developing smart contracts in languages such as Solidity, and deploying them across different networks is complex and time-consuming, requiring extensive knowledge of each network's unique features. The current tools available are often fragmented and require a high level of technical knowledge, which acts as a barrier to entry for new developers and slows down the development process for experienced ones. image

Issues with secretcli when running in local environments

ChainIDE simplifies this process, improves productivity, and provides a unified user experience, allowing easy migration of dApps between chains. Additionally, we offer an interactive user interface for all CLI tools, facilitating convenient testing and debugging of dApps. In less developed regions, limited local communities and events restrict developers' access to resources for learning blockchain. To assist, we provide tools and developer services to guide them in using our platform effectively. Regular bootcamps, competitions, and workshops aim to attract active developers and build vibrant communities. image

Secret 2024 roadmap highlighting EVM code on Secret milestone

ChainIDE also aligns with Secret's roadmap for EVM developer kit by providing a multichain platform allowing developers to not only build dApps for Secret but also for over 14 chains including Ethereum, Arbitrum, and Binance Smart Chain.

ChainIDE will reduce the development overhead and simply integrate into Secret's docs as shown in the screenshot under Additional Resources: image

Provide ChainIDE for Secret as an additional resource in Secret docs

ChainIDE for Secret will provide a large set of ready-to-use full-stack dApp templates. Developers can quickly build and launch various dApps and also create their own dApp templates for the community. ChainIDE also has full Github integration. This will help in wide developer adoption and promote open-source culture. image

Example template library for Secret

ChainIDE for Secret platform provides UI that looks familiar to VS Code allows developers to compile, test, deploy and interact with dApps - all in a single window, thus improving the development cycle. Developers can integrate their existing VS Code compatible plugins and access the terminal as shown in the screenshot below. These terminals connect to a remote sandbox environment running Linux VM. image

ChainIDE for Secret: interface and sandbox running secretcli on the cloud

Developers will have full sudo access to the sandbox to be able to install and modify the environment. In the above screenshot, the terminal is running the secretcli package to create a new secret wallet. image

ChainIDE Education platform showcasing developer events

Additionally, ChainIDE Education platform is focused on high-quality developer education and provides courses for Solidity and full-stack dApps. We plan to introduce courses related to CosmWasm in future to boost Cosmos developer community and promote Secret community.

Detailed product description

Official Certification from Ethereum: We are honored to have gained recognition from numerous partners. ChainIDE has received official certification from Ethereum and is prominently showcased on its official website and featured in its documentation ( Rust & WebAssembly (WASM) Support: One of its standout features is the built-in support for WebAssembly (WASM) smart contracts. In collaboration with Astar ( and Sui (, both of which leverage Rust-based smart contracts, ChainIDE ensures a robust and streamlined development experience for users. Multi-chain Support: ChainIDE's plugin-based micro-frontend architecture makes it easy to extend to support multiple blockchains. So far, we support more than 10 different blockchains (Ethereum, BSC, Arbitrum, Flow, Polygon, Conflux, Aptos, Sui, Astar, etc.) of various architectures and since its launch in 2019, ChainIDE has served over 200,000 developers (img: Instant Full-Stack Dev Environments: ChainIDE's Sandbox service provides on-demand virtual runtime environments for developers to use tools and software like npm, react, Express.js, hardhat, Golang, and even blockchain nodes through the browser. With this feature, users can easily develop their frontend (via React.js), backend (via Express.js or Golang's Gin), and smart contracts (via Solidity) (img: Installation & Setup: ChainIDE is a fully managed cloud development environment that provides great scalability to safely persist users' projects and also allows development teams to easily collaborate from anywhere via any device. It packs all the tooling including an IDE, compiler, deployer, and extensible plugin support (img: Comprehensive Language Support: ChainIDE provides various frontend plugins and Language Server Providers (LSP) running in the sandbox to support syntax highlighting, linters, and formatters for a wide range of smart contract programming languages such as Solidity, Cadence, Move, Javascript, Rust, and so on (img: AI Code Assistant: "Code Sage" is ChainIDE's AI code assistant that utilizes a fine-tuned LLM. It is integrated within ChainIDE and is the world's first Code Assistant with advanced knowledge of full-stack dApp development programming (img: Developer education and support: We provide education and incubation support tailored to developers of different skill levels. This includes detailed tutorials, Q&A sections, and online/offline developer events, among other initiatives. ChainIDE benefits blockchain providers by promoting their platforms and techniques.

Go-to-Market plan

ChainIDE has been around for five years, building a solid reputation and gathering a bunch of users in the industry. The go-to-market plan for ChainIDE for Secret consists primarily of two components: attracting existing ChainIDE users to migrate their projects to the Secret network, and encouraging developers on the Secret network to utilize ChainIDE for improved development efficiency. 1. Leveraging our Established Developer Community ChainIDE has already amassed a substantial community of developers, providing a solid foundation for introducing new builders to Secret . (Ref:ChainIDE Metrics Report -

2. Attracting existing Secret developers to use ChainIDE To encourage current Secret developers to adopt ChainIDE, we aim to collaborate closely with the Secret team, leveraging platform to promote and facilitate the use of ChainIDE. Our strategies include integrating ChainIDE into official documentation, running joint promotional campaigns and incentive programs across Secret's social media channels (Twitter, Discord, Telegram), providing tutorials specifically tailored for ChainIDE on Secret's platform, and ensuring ChainIDE's inclusion on the Secret official website.

Furthermore, as ChainIDE continues to operate, we anticipate a steady influx of new users to our platform.

Value capture for Secret Network ecosystem

As mentioned in the above go-to-market plan sector, we can attract new developers to the Secret ecosystem. We have witnessed an increase in the number of developers and overall activity through our collaboration with various blockchain networks. We believe that with our long-term and proactive partnership, the Secret ecosystem can also experience growth. We have two specific collaboration cases with Conflux and Polygon, which are detailed in the following links:

  1. Collaboration with Conflux:

  2. Collaboration with Polygon:

These collaborations have demonstrated the potential for our solution to contribute to the growth of the Secret ecosystem, as evidenced by the increased developer engagement and expansion of the respective networks. Additionally, we can improve the quality of current developers in the Secret ecosystem.

Our solutions include the following:

  1. Enhanced tools and ecosystem: We provide improved tools and a robust ecosystem that enables developers to enhance their development efficiency and productivity.
  2. ChainIDE Template Marketplace and ChainIDE Edu: These platforms offer a wide range of high-quality content and educational resources, empowering developers to enhance their knowledge and skills in a structured and comprehensive manner.
  3. Global events: We organize and participate in global events that facilitate cross-collaboration among developers. This fosters knowledge sharing, idea exchange, and exposure to diverse perspectives, ultimately improving the overall quality of developers in the Secret ecosystem. Past Events Held: ETH Riyadh 2023( The META Builder Competition ( NFT Builder Competition( Binance Smart Chain & ChainIDE Developer Bootcamp( The Master Class event organized by ChainIDE & BNB in 2021 ( If ChainIDE integrates with the Secret, we have great potential to bring in thousands of new developers to utilize Secret.

Team members

Team Website

Team's experience

Our team has accumulated over five years of experience in the blockchain field. Since the launch of Cryptokitties in 2017, we have been greatly inspired and developed several blockchain games. One of our games, "Last Trip," gained over 75,000 users, while "Cell Evolution" won millions in prizes and established strong connections with the early community of dApp developers worldwide. Being among the early adopters of dApp development, we deeply understand the challenges and difficulties that blockchain developers face in their workflow. This understanding motivated us to create ChainIDE, a platform designed with developers' practical needs in mind. Each feature module of ChainIDE addresses the pain points developers encounter during their development journey. Furthermore, our extensive network of developers, built over several years, enables us to promptly receive developers' requirements and feedback. This allows us to continuously refine and add more user-friendly features. The core team members have more than ten years of combined experience in computer science and over five years of experience in blockchain development experiments. We boast a dedicated team of over 30 product developers and a research and development team comprising ten senior engineers, guaranteeing the efficient and high-quality delivery of our products and services. In addition, our operations team consists of eight individuals who take charge of social media management, developer events, and blockchain development courses, ensuring that users receive prompt updates about ChainIDE. They are fully committed to maintaining close communication with our users, disseminating the latest product updates and feature enhancements through various social media platforms. Furthermore, they organize developer events and training courses to empower users in harnessing the full potential of ChainIDE for blockchain development. Below, you will find the profiles of our core team members and select members of the development team.

Xiao Wu – Ling is the Founder and CEO of our company. He holds a master's degree in computer science from the University of Alberta, Canada, where he studied under the esteemed Academician Dale Schuurmans. Ling is also an executive member and director of the Chinese Computer Society branch, and a member of the Blockchain Committee of the Jiangsu Computer Society. His paper titled "An Interoperable Avatar Framework Across Multiple Games And Blockchains" was featured in the prestigious computer conference INFOCOM 2019.

Tim Zhang - Tim is our CTO (Chief Technology Officer) with expertise in blockchain technology, full-stack development, and distributed systems. He holds a master's degree in artificial intelligence and in-depth learning. Tim's exceptional research work earned him the prestigious 2017 IEEE CIG Honor Award for his master's thesis. After completing his education, Tim worked at Amazon, where he developed the company's PB-level big data ledger reconciliation system. His outstanding contributions were recognized with the Star Award for Outstanding Engineer within Amazon.

Alvin Sun - Alvin serves as our CSO (Chief Strategy Officer). He is a professional specializing in computer vision and machine learning. Alvin possesses strong skills in smart contracts, blockchain development, and security enhancement. During his academic tenure, Alvin designed an iOS mobile game that achieved an impressive milestone of 500,000 downloads. Furthermore, his expertise in developing a digital asset management platform contributed to users generating profits of at least $1.5 million.

Nick Zhou - Nick Zhou, our COO (Chief Operating Officer), brings a proven track record of success in operating high-profile projects. With extensive experience in collaborating and managing numerous NFT projects, including Phanta Bear, TheirsVerse, and Rivermen, Nick has consistently delivered outstanding results. Notably, under his guidance, Phanta Bear achieved an impressive transaction volume of 35,962 ETH, reaching a peak valuation of $53 million USD during its operation.

Rahul Vyas - Rahul Vyas is a development manager in Canada and has experience working as a full-stack developer and Web3 projects including Matrix Unity Tool. His experience lies in Full-stack Software Development and Web3. He has previously led technical teams at UPS.

Team Code Repos

Team LinkedIn Profiles

Xiao Wu Tim Zhang Alvin Sun Rahul Vyas

Development Roadmap

We plan to establish a team of 4 members who will work exclusively on the development of Secret integration. The grants would be used to pay the salaries of the development team to alleviate our financial pressure.

Total: $36,940 USD

Milestone 1 - (Secret CosmWasm Support for ChainIDE: $14,000 USD) Current Progress: Not Started Yet Estimated Duration: 30 days KPIs (with progress tracker):

Milestone 2 - (Rich Developer Tooling for Secret- $14,000 USD) Current Progress: Not Started Yet Estimated Duration: 30 days KPIs (with progress tracker):

Milestone 3 - (Long Term: $8000) Current Progress: Not Started Yet Estimated Start Date: (Effective immediately after deployment) Target Completion: (Long term / 2+ years) KPIs:

Additional Information

Twitter: Demo: ChainIDE Demo Deck: ChainIDE Deck

azaidelson commented 2 months ago

hi @BlairQu , can you please contact us on on Telegram (azaidelson, secretpatrick) or by email (,

BlairQu commented 2 months ago

hi @BlairQu , can you please contact us on on Telegram (azaidelson, secretpatrick) or by email (,

hi @azaidelson , thanks for your comment. An email has been sent and we look forward to your reply.