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Portalo - Private Data Management Platform #154

Open bsasbon-np opened 2 months ago

bsasbon-np commented 2 months ago

🔒 Portalo - Private Data Management Platform

A product created by NeoPower

📝 Project Description

Own, control, and share your data with the ones you trust. Portalo is a data management platform that uses blockchain to ensure privacy and traceability.

🔧 Problem / Solution

How often do you find yourself scrambling through various apps or spreadsheets just to retrieve your wallet address or bank account information? It's a hassle we've all experienced far too many times.

Portalo is your all-in-one solution for securely storing and managing your sensitive data. But here's the kicker: you don't need to place blind trust in us. With Portalo, it's all about verification and control.

Portalo ensures your data stays secure by storing it directly on your device's local storage. Want to sync across devices? No problem. Our cloud-saving feature, powered by Secret Network, encrypts your data, ensuring that only YOU have access to it.

But that's not all. Portalo introduces a revolutionary way to share your data securely. Need to provide your financial addresses to a colleague, a friend, or a client? Simply share a link to your profile with specific viewing permissions. It's that easy.

🧠 Detailed product description

The technical solution provides the following features:

Here is a breakdown of how we plan on supporting each feature:

👛 EVM Wallet Support

We’ll use Skip Protocol to allow interactions with the Secret contracts from EVM wallets such as Metamask. Skip provides an end-to-end platform that enables interoperability to develop cross-chain integrations using different messaging protocols such as IBC, CCTP, Hyperlane, and Axelar. With this, we’ll bring EVM users to Portalo and the Secret Ecosystem.

🔒 Encrypted data storage

Protecting users’ data is essential. We’ll use the serialization native features of Secret Network using the secret-toolkit crate on our smart contract. This way we can have our storage fully encrypted and secure.

🫴🏻 Data sharing with 3rd parties

A main feature of Portalo is enabling users to share its data. Having that information encrypted on-chain, we need a mechanism to manage access to it. The Permit feature of Secret Network allows us to configure permissions so that one user can view the information of another, following a specific configuration created by the owner.


🎨 Mockups

Here are the mockups of the expected UI/UX:

image image

🎯 Go-to-Market plan

By providing a simple UI with the best UX possible, we plan on onboarding mainstream users to Portalo and retain them by providing more advanced features and use cases such as:

We already have a Web2 product called Argiefy which has more than 40K active users and growing rapidly. We plan on introducing Portalo to the Argiefy community since it’s a solution users have been asking for. Argiefy Twitter

As a team, we have a strong background in collaborating close to local communities building initiatives such as the ETH Argentina Buildathon with more than 370 participants and 60 projects created. The community trusts NeoPower to boost the usage of our products and provide useful feedback in the early stages.

We also plan on partnering with top players in the industry such as local exchanges or financial entities to sync encrypted data in Secret Network. This way we can do co-marketing and onboard more users.

Our success relies on constant iteration and learning fast, and we expect a high volume of users storing and sharing their on-chain data.

✨ Value capture for Secret Network ecosystem

Portalo will facilitate the acquisition of additional users and transactions on Secret Network by leveraging the interoperability with other blockchains like Polygon, coupled with the user-friendly experience we offer.

As outlined in our Go-to-Market strategy, we possess a robust existing user base ready to be onboarded to Portalo, ensuring a substantial influx of traffic and engagement on Secret Network.

👥 Team members

We are NeoPower, a Web3 Software Studio with more than 6 years of experience in the industry. Here are the core members that will lead the development of Portalo:

🌐 Team Website

👔 Team's experience

Brian is a Software Engineer and passionate entrepreneur with more than 10 years of experience working in the financial industry for companies such as Visa and Morgan Stanley.

Co-founded NeoPower, a Web3 Software Studio in Argentina to provide services and create new startups that bring real value to users. Especially in LATAM countries where the financial crisis hits hard.

Pablo is a Software Engineer and CTO of NeoPower. With his strong experience in blockchain technology and Rust development, he crafted novel automation solutions in Cosmos and Polkadot to expand the horizons of what NeoPower’s core product can achieve (Roloi: Web3 Payment Automation Platform).

His strong background in Rust and blockchain architecture guides us to create high-quality products.

Hernán is from Argentina. He has broad experience working on education and academic research for more than 10 years as a University teacher and biotechnology researcher at Universidad de Buenos Aires. In 2020, he started creating content about DeFi which led him to become a Web3 influencer and a referent from Cosmos for modular blockchain technology divulgation.

Hernan works as Chief Growth Officer at NeoPower. Hernan formerly worked at Buenbit (Argentinian CEX) as a community builder. He also worked as a researcher and copywriter for other blockchain-related projects.

💻 Team Code Repos

📅 Development Roadmap

Estimated timeline: 3 months Total cost: $30,000 Team:


Milestone Estimated Duration
UI Development 4 weeks
EVM Wallet integration 2 weeks
Encrypted data storage 2 weeks
Data sharing feature 2 weeks
Deployment to mainnet 1 week

💻 Development Milestones

Milestone 1: Project Kickoff & Grant Approval - $4,000

Milestone 2: EVM Wallet Integration & Data Storage - $5,000

Milestone 3: Data Sharing Feature - $6,000

📈 Growth Milestones

Milestone 4: User Acquisition - $6,000

Milestone 5: Expansion and Growth - $9,000

📦 Additional Information

Portalo won a bounty from Secret Network during the ETH Denver 2024 Buildathon: Portalo Devfolio