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Albash - Payroll, Privatized #159

Open cenwadike opened 2 months ago

cenwadike commented 2 months ago

Albash - Payroll, Privatized

Project Name: Albash

Payment Address: secret1sc7zn42maac87kay3nzzpam3cpg2rh2gp3un6t

Albash is built by a team of skilled developers and associates with years of expertise in a range of areas including Fintech, Web3, software engineering, and marketing.

Our core missions are to provide “Trustless payroll for businesses and individuals” via software solutions and “Invisible Invoices” through the deployment of a compliant decentralized payroll solution for individuals and businesses.

Albash Payroll Solution This solution will provide DAOs and individuals with all the things needed to support their payroll setup including:

  1. Creating invoices.
  2. Accepting invoices.
  3. Configure dispute resolution strategy.
  4. Income tax preparation.
  5. Payroll expenditures preparation.

You can view our MVP here, built on the Secret Network. Employees can create invoices, specify valid employers and currency, and accept payments on an invoice. Employers can accept single and recurring payments on an invoice and cancel a payment on an invoice.

As part of our privacy-preserving ethos and in harmony with Secret's vision of Confidential Computation - we would like to request funding to build a privacy-preserving decentralized payroll system for DAOs and individuals, as we continue to develop our product.

We believe that the timing of Secret’s latest series of network upgrades enabling EVM bridging, combined with our MVP stage of development provides the perfect window of opportunity to build out this new use case for Secret as a Confidential Computation Hub.

Privacy is the cornerstone of Web3 adoption and we believe privacy by default is vital to the payroll function of most decentralized enterprises. We intend to position ourselves as a catalyst to onboard traditional businesses and users to Web3 and allow Web3 native individuals and DAOs to access efficient payroll in a compliant and secure manner.


Smart Contract Backend:

Web-server Backend:




Albash DAO, a decentralized autonomous organization will be in charge of the governance of Albash development. Through real-world use cases and on-chain interactions, will onboard other enterprises and individuals across the Web3 space.

We aim to be market and thought leaders in the fields of decentralized payroll and tax management, and we plan to onboard our trusted client list first to help test the Albash solutions and get them ready for the mass market.

We will provide privatized payroll packages that can be plugged into GOV.DAO DAOs, with features that are nimble for individual users.

Once the protocol is tested and has passed all audits, through continuous engagement with the Secret Africa community through our discord server and X handle, we will funnel individuals and enterprises across the Web3 space.


Payroll Solution KPIs:

Value brought to Secret Network:






THE ASK The total grant request is equal to $22,400 in SCRT, to reach a successful mainnet launch of our DAO Service Package in 2 disbursements.

$3,200 to be awarded at the time of grant approval to bootstrap our project and cover personnel costs.

M1 (Estimated Completion: 4-6 weeks - $9,600

M2 (Estimated Completion: 4-6 weeks - $9,600


The Albash team is committed to continuing to build dApps on and with the Secret Network that will onboard new web3 users and demonstrate the Network’s technical capabilities, as well as the strengths of its core community.

The Albash team hopes to grow to become a leading product within the Secret Network and the EVM Ecosystem, working directly with the community and Secret Network Foundation to build a more robust, cutting-edge, and ergonomic Web3 experience for all through real-world use cases.

Albash also aims to be a valuable member of the community through the provision of payroll and tax preparation guidance. The Albash Payroll Solutions project will be Albash’s first foray into dApp building with Secret’s Confidential Computing features and will serve as an invaluable asset and blueprint for the development of the much-desired private payroll management systems for individuals, DAOs, and enterprise businesses, powered by Secret Network.


We intend to partner with the best-in-class products built with Secret to offer more value and bespoke features to our clients. Those are but are not limited to:

GOV.DAO: Full stack Web3 and Blockchain service provider and governance research platform (coming soon).

Albash thank you for considering our proposal and helping to build privatized payroll systems!